Take a look at win32-process:
(part of the win32-utils project).
Take a look also at the builtin Process class
-----Original Message-----
From: "brucem@poczta.onet.pl"@
[mailto:"brucem@poczta.onet.pl"@] On Behalf Of olek
Sent: Thursday, 1 July 2004 5:13 PM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: How to close application on Windows?
I need to open some application from ruby on WinXP, get some action
connected to that app. and close it.
thread= Thread.new(0) {
system("abt.exe") # opening my app.
sleep(20) # time for start abt.exe
#getting data from abt.exe
system("hptcmd export")
#closing abt.exe - it doesn't work!!!!
#abt.exe still active
Maybe I should kill a procces connected to that application so the
application would be closed ....?
Thanks for every advice