On May 27, 2005, at 12:39 PM, Dan Fitzpatrick wrote:
I would like to turn "This is some text" into
"This is",
"This is some",
"This is some text",
"is some",
"is some text",
"some text",
def phrases( string )
pieces = string.split( /\s/ )
out =
pieces.each_index{ |start_index|
(start_index+1).upto( pieces.length ){ |end_index|
out << pieces[start_index...end_index].join(' ')
all = phrases( "It's the end of the world as we know it." )
p all
#=> ["It's", "It's the", "It's the end", "It's the end of", "It's the end of the", "It's the end of the world", "It's the end of the world as", "It's the end of the world as we", "It's the end of the world as we know", "It's the end of the world as we know it.", "the", "the end", "the end of", "the end of the", "the end of the world", "the end of the world as", "the end of the world as we", "the end of the world as we know", "the end of the world as we know it.", "end", "end of", "end of the", "end of the world", "end of the world as", "end of the world as we", "end of the world as we know", "end of the world as we know it.", "of", "of the", "of the world", "of the world as", "of the world as we", "of the world as we know", "of the world as we know it.", "the", "the world", "the world as", "the world as we", "the world as we know", "the world as we know it.", "world", "world as", "world as we", "world as we know", "world as we know it.", "as", "as we", "as we know", "as we know it.", "we", "we know", "we know it.", "know", "know it.", "it."]
p all.include?( "end of the world" )
#=> true
p all.include?( "end the world" )
#=> false
def phrase_matches( string )
require 'set'
pieces = string.split( /\s/ )
out = Set.new
pieces.each_index{ |start_index|
(start_index+1).upto( pieces.length ){ |end_index|
out.add( pieces[start_index...end_index].join(' ') )
all = phrase_matches( "It's the end of the world as we know it." )
p all
p all.include?( "end of the world" )
p all.include?( "end the world" )
Complex-But-Memory-Efficient Answer
class TrieNode
attr_accessor :children
def initialize
@children = {}
def add_path( array )
node = self
array.each{ |item| node = node.children[ item ] ||= TrieNode.new }
def includes_path?( array )
node = self
array.each{ |item| return false unless node = node.children[ item ] }
def to_hier( depth=0 )
tabs = "-"*depth
out = ''
@children.each{ |char,node|
out << "#{tabs}#{char}\n"
out << node.to_hier( depth+1 )
class PhraseMatcher
MATCH_WORDS = /[a-z']+/
def initialize( string )
@root = TrieNode.new
pieces = string.downcase.scan( MATCH_WORDS )
pieces.each_index{ |start_index|
(start_index+1).upto( pieces.length ){ |end_index|
@root.add_path( pieces[start_index...end_index] )
def includes_phrase?( string )
@root.includes_path?( string.scan( MATCH_WORDS) )
sub_phrases = PhraseMatcher.new( "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine." )
p sub_phrases.includes_phrase?( "end of the world" )
#=> true
p sub_phrases.includes_phrase?( "end the world" )
#=> false
sub_phrases.instance_eval{ puts @root.to_hier }
#=> it
#=> -and
#=> --i
#=> ---feel
#=> ----fine
#=> world
#=> -as
#=> --we
#=> ---know
#=> ----it
#=> -----and
#=> ------i
#=> -------feel
#=> --------fine
#=> and
#=> -i
#=> --feel
#=> ---fine
#=> of
#=> -the
#=> --world
#=> ---as
#=> ----we
#=> -----know
#=> ------it
#=> -------and
#=> --------i
#=> ---------feel
#=> ----------fine
#=> it's
#=> -the
#=> --end
#=> ---of
#=> ----the
#=> -----world
#=> ------as
#=> -------we
#=> --------know
#=> ---------it
#=> ----------and
#=> -----------i
#=> ------------feel
#=> -------------fine
#=> we
#=> -know
#=> --it
#=> ---and
#=> ----i
#=> -----feel
#=> ------fine
#=> know
#=> -it
#=> --and
#=> ---i
#=> ----feel
#=> -----fine
#=> end
#=> -of
#=> --the
#=> ---world
#=> ----as
#=> -----we
#=> ------know
#=> -------it
#=> --------and
#=> ---------i
#=> ----------feel
#=> -----------fine
#=> the
#=> -world
#=> --as
#=> ---we
#=> ----know
#=> -----it
#=> ------and
#=> -------i
#=> --------feel
#=> ---------fine
#=> -end
#=> --of
#=> ---the
#=> ----world
#=> -----as
#=> ------we
#=> -------know
#=> --------it
#=> ---------and
#=> ----------i
#=> -----------feel
#=> ------------fine
#=> as
#=> -we
#=> --know
#=> ---it
#=> ----and
#=> -----i
#=> ------feel
#=> -------fine
#=> fine
#=> i
#=> -feel
#=> --fine
#=> feel
#=> -fine