In case anyone is having trouble with this:
Download the source for Tcl 8.4.16, Tk 8.4.16, and Ruby 1.8.6.
Rename the source directories to tcl, tk, and ruby.
cd tcl/macosx
make >& make.log
sudo make install
cd tk/macosx
make >& make.log
sudo make install
cd ruby
./configure --enable-tcltk-framework --with-tcltk-framework=/Library/
Frameworks --with-tcl-framework-header=/Library/Frameworks/
Tcl.framework/Headers --with-tk-framework-header=/Library/Frameworks/
Tk.framework/Headers --enable-pthread
make >& make.log
sudo make install
and what to do with an already installed ruby 1.8.6 under /opt
(MacPorts) ???
Phil <> wrote:
Download the source for Tcl 8.4.16, Tk 8.4.16, and Ruby 1.8.6.
Une Bévue
for tk
there is no ./configure
the make returned error...
how come it is so troublesome just to make tk work.
On 9/26/07, Phil <> wrote:
In case anyone is having trouble with this:
Download the source for Tcl 8.4.16, Tk 8.4.16, and Ruby 1.8.6.
Rename the source directories to tcl, tk, and ruby.
cd tcl/macosx
make >& make.log
sudo make install
cd tk/macosx
make >& make.log
sudo make install
cd ruby
./configure --enable-tcltk-framework --with-tcltk-framework=/Library/
Frameworks --with-tcl-framework-header=/Library/Frameworks/
Tcl.framework/Headers --with-tk-framework-header=/Library/Frameworks/
Tk.framework/Headers --enable-pthread
make >& make.log
sudo make install