How do I pass the name of an instance variable into an object?


Suppose I wanted to create a method for an object that allowed me to pass in the name of an instance variable and to perform some task on the variable. For the sake of simplicity, let's say that I'd like to be able to print out the value of the specified instance variable. Also, I'd want the method to raise an exception if the name of the variable getting passed into the object is not actually an instance variable in the object.

The class would look something like this:

class SomeClass
  def initialize
    @a = 1
    @b = 'xxx'

  def print_instance_variables(obj)
     # some code goes here

And here's how I'd like to be able to use it:

x =
x.print_instance_variables(:a) # writes the value of @a to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:b) # writes the value of @b to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:a, :b) # writes the values of @a and @b to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:z) # causes an exception because there is no@z

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




There may be a much better way to do this, but here's what I threw

class SomeClass
  attr_accessor :a, :b
  def initialize
    @a = 'A'
    @b = 'B'

  def print_instance_variable(variable)
    if instance_variables.include?("@#{variable}")
      puts self.send("#{variable}")
      raise 'Not an instance variable.'

x =

Hope that at least points you in the right direction.

-- Josh

Glenn wrote:



Suppose I wanted to create a method for an object that allowed me to
pass in the name of an instance variable and to perform some task on the
variable. For the sake of simplicity, let's say that I'd like to be
able to print out the value of the specified instance variable. Also,
I'd want the method to raise an exception if the name of the variable
getting passed into the object is not actually an instance variable in
the object.

The class would look something like this:

class SomeClass
  def initialize
    @a = 1
    @b = 'xxx'

  def print_instance_variables(obj)
     # some code goes here

And here's how I'd like to be able to use it:

x =
x.print_instance_variables(:a) # writes the value of @a to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:b) # writes the value of @b to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:a, :b) # writes the values of @a and @b to
the console
x.print_instance_variables(:z) # causes an exception because there is

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Posted via\.

class SomeClass
  def initialize
    @a = 1
    @b = 'xxx'

  def print_instance_variables( *args )
    args.each do |arg|
      raise unless instance_variable_defined?( "@#{ arg }" )
      puts self.instance_variable_get( "@#{ arg }" )


x =
x.print_instance_variables( :a )
x.print_instance_variables( :b )
x.print_instance_variables( :a, :b )
x.print_instance_variables( :z )


On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 9:18 PM, Glenn <> wrote:


Suppose I wanted to create a method for an object that allowed me to pass in the name of an instance variable and to perform some task on the variable. For the sake of simplicity, let's say that I'd like to be able to print out the value of the specified instance variable. Also, I'd want the method to raise an exception if the name of the variable getting passed into the object is not actually an instance variable in the object.

The class would look something like this:

class SomeClass
def initialize
   @a = 1
   @b = 'xxx'

def print_instance_variables(obj)
    # some code goes here

And here's how I'd like to be able to use it:

x =
x.print_instance_variables(:a) # writes the value of @a to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:b) # writes the value of @b to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:a, :b) # writes the values of @a and @b to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:z) # causes an exception because there is no@z

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Greg Donald

Thanks Greg! Much nicer than what I threw together.

-- Josh

Greg Donald wrote:


On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 9:18 PM, Glenn <> wrote:

x.print_instance_variables(:b) # writes the value of @b to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:a, :b) # writes the values of @a and @b to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:z) # causes an exception because there is no@z

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

class SomeClass
  def initialize
    @a = 1
    @b = 'xxx'

  def print_instance_variables( *args )
    args.each do |arg|
      raise unless instance_variable_defined?( "@#{ arg }" )
      puts self.instance_variable_get( "@#{ arg }" )


x =
x.print_instance_variables( :a )
x.print_instance_variables( :b )
x.print_instance_variables( :a, :b )
x.print_instance_variables( :z )

Posted via\.


Thanks for your help!

I have a followup question. Can anyone tell me how I could create a method that would allow me to add instance variables to an object?

The method would look something like this:

def add_instance_variable(x, y)
# code goes here

In this example, x would be what I'd like to call the variable and y would be the value of the new variable.

Thanks again,



From: Greg Donald <>
To: ruby-talk ML <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 11:58:11 PM
Subject: Re: How do I pass the name of an instance variable into an object?

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 9:18 PM, Glenn <> wrote:


Suppose I wanted to create a method for an object that allowed me to pass in the name of an instance variable and to perform some task on the variable. For the sake of simplicity, let's say that I'd like to be able to print out the value of the specified instance variable. Also, I'd want the method to raise an exception if the name of the variable getting passed into the object is not actually an instance variable in the object.

The class would look something like this:

class SomeClass
def initialize
   @a = 1
   @b = 'xxx'

def print_instance_variables(obj)
    # some code goes here

And here's how I'd like to be able to use it:

x =
x.print_instance_variables(:a) # writes the value of @a to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:b) # writes the value of @b to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:a, :b) # writes the values of @a and @b to the console
x.print_instance_variables(:z) # causes an exception because there is no@z

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

class SomeClass
  def initialize
    @a = 1
    @b = 'xxx'

  def print_instance_variables( *args )
    args.each do |arg|
      raise unless instance_variable_defined?( "@#{ arg }" )
      puts self.instance_variable_get( "@#{ arg }" )


x =
x.print_instance_variables( :a )
x.print_instance_variables( :b )
x.print_instance_variables( :a, :b )
x.print_instance_variables( :z )

Greg Donald

Glenn wrote:

Can anyone tell me how I could create a method that would allow me to add
instance variables to an object?

object.instance_variable_set(:@variable_name, "value")



ICQ: 205544826

i just tried putting everything together and it worked great.
I thought i will share the consolidated code, so here it is:

class SomeClass
  def initialize
    @first = 'first variable'
    @second = 'second variable'

  def print_instance_variable(*args)
    args.each do |arg|
        raise unless instance_variable_defined?("@#{arg}")
        puts self.instance_variable_get("@#{arg}")
      rescue => ex
        puts "#{ex.class}: #{ex.message}"

  def add_instance_variable(name, initial_value)
    raise if instance_variable_defined?("@#{name}")
    self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", "#{initial_value}")

x =

puts "\n****************** printing both values in one method call
x.print_instance_variable :first, :second

puts "\n*************** should throw an exception, because the
instance variable is undefined **************"
x.print_instance_variable :third

x.add_instance_variable(:third, "third value")

puts "\n*************** should print the third instance variable**************"
x.print_instance_variable :third

Excellent! Thanks so much for your help.

I noticed that the class of the variable always seems to be String when I use add_instance_variable. When I use instance_variable_set, though it seems to preserve the class of the object in thee 2nd parameter.

In this case, x is a Fixnum:

s =
s.instance_variable_set('@x', 22)

In this case, though, x is a String:

s =
s.add_instance_variable(:x, 22)

I think that this is because of the quotes around initial_value in this line:

self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", "#{initial_value}")

When I rewrote the line as:

self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", initial_value )

It maintains the original class of that 2nd parameter. Do you think that there is any harm in leaving those quotes off?



From: Suman Gurung <>
To: ruby-talk ML <>
Sent: Thursday, January 1, 2009 12:46:51 PM
Subject: Re: How do I pass the name of an instance variable into an object?

i just tried putting everything together and it worked great.
I thought i will share the consolidated code, so here it is:

class SomeClass
  def initialize
    @first = 'first variable'
    @second = 'second variable'

  def print_instance_variable(*args)
    args.each do |arg|
        raise unless instance_variable_defined?("@#{arg}")
        puts self.instance_variable_get("@#{arg}")
      rescue => ex
        puts "#{ex.class}: #{ex.message}"

  def add_instance_variable(name, initial_value)
    raise if instance_variable_defined?("@#{name}")
    self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", "#{initial_value}")

x =

puts "\n****************** printing both values in one method call
x.print_instance_variable :first, :second

puts "\n*************** should throw an exception, because the
instance variable is undefined **************"
x.print_instance_variable :third

x.add_instance_variable(:third, "third value")

puts "\n*************** should print the third instance variable**************"
x.print_instance_variable :third

Glenn wrote:

I think that this is because of the quotes around initial_value in this
self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", "#{initial_value}")
Do you think that there is any harm in leaving those quotes off?

Not at all. The only reason for them to be there in the first place would be
to convert the value to a string (though initial_value.to_s would be a more
readable way to do the same thing, in my opinion). Since you don't want that,
there is no downside to removing them.



ICQ: 205544826