How do I control sitedir other than through ./configure?


I am trying to define an install of ruby in an envirionment
where the site dir may not be existant at the time of install.
(The sitedir is managed through a separate method than the install.)

For example, here is an ‘ideal’ setup:

cd ruby-1.x.x
./configure --prefix=<set_by_sysadmin> --with-sitedir=/dev/null
make && make install

But, that does not work. The make install complains with
`mkdir’: File exists - “/dev/null” (Errno::EEXIST)

So, another solution might be:

cd ruby-1.x.x
./configure --prefix=<set_by_sysadmin> --with-sitedir= --dont-install-sitedir
make & make install

Does such a solution exist? I don/'t particularly mind installing to
a bogus path but I would need a way to permanently modify $: for
the installed ruby application. Is there a way to do this after
it is compiled?



Jim Freeze
If only I had something clever to say for my comment…


If people find this useful, I’ll post to the RAA. If not, I’ll stuff
it in my “personal library of things not quite good enough to post
to the RAA”.

What is it?

A supplement to the dbi module, allowing you to avoid hard-coding
passwords in your programs that make database connections.

What does it do?

It reads entries out of a file called .dbrc, which is meant to be
analogous to the .netrc file (used by programs such as telnet).

The .dbrc file is simply a space separated list of items that
contain the following:

Database name
User name
Timeout (for connections)
Maximum number of reconnect attempts (for retry blocks)
Interval (seconds between connection attempts)

What’s the point?

The point is to provide a bit of obfuscation for passwords and a
bit of convenience, by having all of your database entries in
one place.

Isn’t that dangerous?

The rules for the .dbrc file state that it must have perms of
600 and be owned by uid of the script that calls it. That
means that only you and root should be able to see it.

What it doesn’t do:

It does not establish a database connection. It’s simply meant
to provide information.

Where’s the code?


require ‘etc’

class DBRC
attr_accessor :db, :user, :password, :driver
attr_accessor :max_reconn, :timeout, :interval

def initialize(db,user=nil)
@dbrc = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir + “/.dbrc”
@db = db
@user = user

  if @user.nil?
     raise "No user entry found for: " + @db

  if @password.nil?
     raise "No password entry found for: " + @db




Check ownership and permissions

def check_file{ |f|

     # Permissions MUST be set to 600
     unless (f.stat.mode & 077) == 0
        raise RuntimeError, "Bad Permissions", caller

     # Only the owner may use it
     unless f.stat.owned?
        raise RuntimeError, "Not Owner", caller



Grab info out of the .dbrc file. Ignore comments

def get_info
f =,“r”)
f.each_line do |line|
next if line =~ /^#/
a = line.split(‘\s+’)

     next unless a[0] == @db

     unless @user.nil?
        next unless a[1] == @user
        @user = a[1]

     @password   = a[2]
     @driver     = a[3]
     @timeout    = a[4]
     @max_reconn = a[5]
     @interval   = a[6]



= Description
This is a supplement to the dbi module, allowing you to avoid
passwords in your programs that make database connections.

= Synopsis
require ‘dbi/dbrc’

dbrc =“mydb”)


dbrc =“mydb”,“someUser”)

puts dbrc.db
puts dbrc.user
puts dbrc.driver
puts dbrc.timeout
puts dbrc.max_reconn
puts dbrc.interval

= Requirements
The ‘etc’ module

Designed for *nix systems. Untested on Windows.

= Notes on the .dbrc file

This module relies on a file in your home directory called “.dbrc”,
and it
is meant to be analogous to the “.netrc” file used by programs such
as telnet.
The .dbrc file has several conditions that must be met by the module
or it
will fail:

  1. Permissions must be set to 600.

  2. Must be owned by the current user

  3. Must be in the following space-separated format:


e.g. mydb dan mypass oracle 10
2 30

You may include comments in the .dbrc file by starting the line with
a “#” symbol

= Class Methods

— new(db,?user?)
The constructor takes one or two arguments. The first argument is
the database
name. This must be provided. If only the database name is
passed, the module
will look for the first database entry in the .dbrc file that

The second argument, a user name, is optional.  If it is passed, the

module will
look for the first entry in the .dbrc file where both the database
and user
name match.

= Instance Methods

The name of the database. Note that the same entry can appear more
than once,
presumably because you have multiple user id’s for the same

A valid user name for that database.

The password for that user.

The driver type for that database (Oracle, MySql, etc).

The timeout period for a connection before the attempt is dropped.

The maximum number of reconnect attempts that should be made for the
database. Presumablly, you would use this with a “retry” within a

The number of seconds to wait before attempting to reconnect to the
again should a network/database glitch occur.

= Summary

These “methods” don’t really do anything. They’re simply meant as a
mechanism for you dbi connections, plus a little bit of obfuscation
(for passwords).

= Author

Daniel J. Berger (remove the ‘nospam’)


with only a quick look, looks good. does this fit as an RAA though? i
think just submit it to the DBI maintainer. not sure.

anyway, how about adding encryption? then it be just about perfect, i
think. just a thought.



On Tue, 2002-07-23 at 08:07, Daniel Berger wrote:


If people find this useful, I’ll post to the RAA. If not, I’ll stuff
it in my “personal library of things not quite good enough to post
to the RAA”.

What is it?

A supplement to the dbi module, allowing you to avoid hard-coding
passwords in your programs that make database connections.

What does it do?

It reads entries out of a file called .dbrc, which is meant to be
analogous to the .netrc file (used by programs such as telnet).

The .dbrc file is simply a space separated list of items that
contain the following:

Database name
User name
Timeout (for connections)
Maximum number of reconnect attempts (for retry blocks)
Interval (seconds between connection attempts)

What’s the point?

The point is to provide a bit of obfuscation for passwords and a
bit of convenience, by having all of your database entries in
one place.

Isn’t that dangerous?

The rules for the .dbrc file state that it must have perms of
600 and be owned by uid of the script that calls it. That
means that only you and root should be able to see it.

What it doesn’t do:

It does not establish a database connection. It’s simply meant
to provide information.

Where’s the code?


require ‘etc’

class DBRC
attr_accessor :db, :user, :password, :driver
attr_accessor :max_reconn, :timeout, :interval

def initialize(db,user=nil)
@dbrc = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir + “/.dbrc”
@db = db
@user = user

  if @user.nil?
     raise "No user entry found for: " + @db

  if @password.nil?
     raise "No password entry found for: " + @db



Check ownership and permissions

def check_file{ |f|

     # Permissions MUST be set to 600
     unless (f.stat.mode & 077) == 0
        raise RuntimeError, "Bad Permissions", caller

     # Only the owner may use it
     unless f.stat.owned?
        raise RuntimeError, "Not Owner", caller



Grab info out of the .dbrc file. Ignore comments

def get_info
f =,“r”)
f.each_line do |line|
next if line =~ /^#/
a = line.split(‘\s+’)

     next unless a[0] == @db

     unless @user.nil?
        next unless a[1] == @user
        @user = a[1]

     @password   = a[2]
     @driver     = a[3]
     @timeout    = a[4]
     @max_reconn = a[5]
     @interval   = a[6]



= Description
This is a supplement to the dbi module, allowing you to avoid
passwords in your programs that make database connections.

= Synopsis
require ‘dbi/dbrc’

dbrc =“mydb”)


dbrc =“mydb”,“someUser”)

puts dbrc.db
puts dbrc.user
puts dbrc.driver
puts dbrc.timeout
puts dbrc.max_reconn
puts dbrc.interval

= Requirements
The ‘etc’ module

Designed for *nix systems. Untested on Windows.

= Notes on the .dbrc file

This module relies on a file in your home directory called “.dbrc”,
and it
is meant to be analogous to the “.netrc” file used by programs such
as telnet.
The .dbrc file has several conditions that must be met by the module
or it
will fail:

  1. Permissions must be set to 600.

  2. Must be owned by the current user

  3. Must be in the following space-separated format:


e.g. mydb dan mypass oracle 10
2 30

You may include comments in the .dbrc file by starting the line with
a “#” symbol

= Class Methods

— new(db,?user?)
The constructor takes one or two arguments. The first argument is
the database
name. This must be provided. If only the database name is
passed, the module
will look for the first database entry in the .dbrc file that

The second argument, a user name, is optional.  If it is passed, the

module will
look for the first entry in the .dbrc file where both the database
and user
name match.

= Instance Methods

The name of the database. Note that the same entry can appear more
than once,
presumably because you have multiple user id’s for the same

A valid user name for that database.

The password for that user.

The driver type for that database (Oracle, MySql, etc).

The timeout period for a connection before the attempt is dropped.

The maximum number of reconnect attempts that should be made for the
database. Presumablly, you would use this with a “retry” within a

The number of seconds to wait before attempting to reconnect to the
again should a network/database glitch occur.

= Summary

These “methods” don’t really do anything. They’re simply meant as a
mechanism for you dbi connections, plus a little bit of obfuscation
(for passwords).

= Author

Daniel J. Berger (remove the ‘nospam’)

