On Sep 21, 2007, at 8:10 AM, On Web wrote:
I was referring to the GPL comment dodge.
Still, stripping comments in a compiled language seems a bizarre idea to me,
apart from deliberately making it more difficullt for others to follow, or
to hide the origin of the code.
The OP has stated in another post that the intention (if I understand the
post correctly) is to neaten the code and to allow alignment of the program
Most companies would slap my wrists if I deliberately removed comments from
a source file and as for alignment, try and do it as you go along, or at
least try and not have huges source files so it's not too difficullt a
people need to step back and realize that this is a religious issue not really related to ruby itself.
i happen to think comments are a crutch in in any language. here is an excerpt from the last program i wrote:
#! /dmsp/reference/bin/ruby
require 'time'
require 'ostruct'
require 'alib'
require 'lockfile'
require 'dmsp'
require 'nrtlib'
require 'stpjob'
Main {
synopsis "gen_night_file_from_dawn_dusk_orbit_pairs [options]+ descending_olspath [ascending_olspath]"
default "destination" => "/dmsp/nrt/data/incoming/night_files_dawn_dusk"
default "window" => (42.minutes .. 62.minutes)
option "--link" , "-l" ,
"link files to operate on - default(copy)"
option "--destination=destination" , "-d" ,
"specify output destination - default(#{ default 'destination' })"
option "--clobber" , "-c" ,
"force output to be clobbered iff it exists - default(false)"
option "--window=window" , "-w" ,
"specify time window in which to look for ascending mate - default(#{ default('window').to_a.join ',' }s)"
option "--turd" , "-t" ,
"leave your things lying around default(false)"
argument "descending_olspath"
optional_argument "ascending_olspath"
def main
tmpdir do |tmp|
exit! 42 if turd?
exit 0
i do not think comment can add any clarity to code that's written like this and, yes, you can do the same in C. that being said i'm (literally) on crutches now and everyone needs them sometimes - they are not evil - just crutches. compilers are crutches for not being able to write assembly code quickly enough.
a @ http://drawohara.com/
we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama