Hex to decimal?

Since nobody else has any Ruby to talk about today... :slight_smile:

My gut feel is that this should be 2 or 3 lines of code but for some reason I'm missing the trick.

I need a script that converts pairs of hex digits into their decimal
equivalents. Suppose the script accepts a single argument, a string
composed of hex digits, either upper- or lower-case, or both, possibly
with embedded blanks. For the sake of argument let's say that there's
always going to be at least 1 pair but never more than, oh, 20 pairs (or
as many as can easily be typed on a command line).

The script should remove any embedded blanks from the argument, then go
through the string left-to-right. For each pair of hex digits, display
the value of the pair as a 3-digit decimal number, separated with a

So, for example,

ruby hex2dec.rb "f0 d7e2 28" => \240\215\226\040


cfp:~ > cat a.rb
def hex2decimal string
   string.to_s.split(%r/\s+/).map{|h| "#{ 92.chr }%03d" % eval("0x#{h}")}.join

puts hex2decimal("f0 d7 e2 28")

cfp:~ > ruby a.rb

a @ http://codeforpeople.com/


On May 17, 2008, at 1:15 PM, Tim Hunter wrote:

"f0 d7e2 28" => \240\215\226\040

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

Tim Hunter wrote:

ruby hex2dec.rb "f0 d7e2 28" => \240\215\226\040

def hex2dec hex
   [hex.delete(" ")].pack("H*").unpack("C*").map {|n| "\\%03d" % n}.join

puts hex2dec("f0 d7e2 28") # ==> \240\215\226\040
puts hex2dec("d00de") # ==> \208\013\224


       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

A bit different that Ara's, but this is a nearly method-for-word translation:

class String
   def h2d
     [self.gsub(/\s+/,'')]. # remove embedded blanks
       pack('H*'). # convert hex pairs to bytes
       split(//). # array of single-byte strings
       map{|c| "%03d"%[c[0]]}. # first(only) char as 3 decimal-digits
       join('\\') # separated by backslash

Of course, that's not a script, but a method. In case this is homework, that part is left as an exercise. :wink:


Rob Biedenharn http://agileconsultingllc.com


On May 17, 2008, at 3:15 PM, Tim Hunter wrote:

Since nobody else has any Ruby to talk about today... :slight_smile:

My gut feel is that this should be 2 or 3 lines of code but for some reason I'm missing the trick.

I need a script that converts pairs of hex digits into their decimal
equivalents. Suppose the script accepts a single argument, a string
composed of hex digits, either upper- or lower-case, or both, possibly
with embedded blanks. For the sake of argument let's say that there's
always going to be at least 1 pair but never more than, oh, 20 pairs (or
as many as can easily be typed on a command line).

The script should remove any embedded blanks from the argument, then go
through the string left-to-right. For each pair of hex digits, display
the value of the pair as a 3-digit decimal number, separated with a

So, for example,

ruby hex2dec.rb "f0 d7e2 28" => \240\215\226\040


Tim Hunter wrote:

Since nobody else has any Ruby to talk about today... :slight_smile:

My gut feel is that this should be 2 or 3 lines of code but for some
reason I'm missing the trick.

I need a script that converts pairs of hex digits into their decimal
equivalents. Suppose the script accepts a single argument, a string
composed of hex digits, either upper- or lower-case, or both, possibly
with embedded blanks. For the sake of argument let's say that there's
always going to be at least 1 pair but never more than, oh, 20 pairs (or
as many as can easily be typed on a command line).

The script should remove any embedded blanks from the argument, then go
through the string left-to-right. For each pair of hex digits, display
the value of the pair as a 3-digit decimal number, separated with a

So, for example,

ruby hex2dec.rb "f0 d7e2 28" => \240\215\226\040


hex_str = ARGV[0]
hex_str = hex_str.delete(" ")

results =
stop_index = hex_str.length - 2

0.step(stop_index, 2) do |i|
  decimal_num = hex_str[i,2].hex
  results << sprintf("%03d", decimal_num)

out_str = results.join("\\")
puts out_str

$ ruby r1test.rb "F0 d7E2 28"


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Tim Hunter wrote:


Thanks to everybody who responded! I learned something from each answer. (Particularly about when it's appropriate to use eval!)



a @ http://codeforpeople.com/


On May 17, 2008, at 1:27 PM, ara.t.howard wrote:

string.to_s.strip.split(%r/\s+/).map{|h| "#{ 92.chr }%03d" % eval("0x#{h}")}.join

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

Rob Biedenharn wrote:

Of course, that's not a script, but a method. In case this is homework, that part is left as an exercise. :wink:

Dude! I am so busted.

ruby hex2dec.rb "f0 d7e2 28" => \240\215\226\040

"f0 d7e228".scan(/\w\w/).map{|n| '%03d' % n.to_i(16) }.join('\\')

Tor Erik


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.