Helpers in Rails

Ok, so, I have a method that I need to use in several models and two
controllers. I don't want to duplicate code, and initially, rail's
concept of a helper seemed like a good fit, but it looks like maybe it
only works with controllers, so maybe not. I'm a pretty much a nuby,
but I think maybe I want to do a mixin? If so, where would the module
with my method go within the rails application folder structure? And
how do I do a mixin?


Bob Aman

A module’s methods can be added to a class using SomeClass.extend. For example

What if I have both class and instance methods in my module?


Bob Aman

I have run into the same problem. I'll give you two ways (that I can think of) to implement this. There may be better ways, but I used the first option.


Create a new model.
class CommonModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  # class method you want to share
  def self.some_method
    # do something
   # instance method you want to share
  def some_other_method
    # do something

Then you can have all of your other models inherit from CommonModel

require_dependency 'common_model'
class ExistingModel < CommonModel
  # model specific code goes here

Another alternative would be to use mixins as you suggested, possibly like this.

module CommonMethods
  def some_method

require_dependency 'common_methods'
class ExistingModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  # mixin the module to get instance methods
  include CommonMethods

Either of these implementations would make the common methods accessible to your models, and therefore accessible to any controllers that can access those models.

Hope this helps,

Bob Aman wrote:


Ok, so, I have a method that I need to use in several models and two
controllers. I don't want to duplicate code, and initially, rail's
concept of a helper seemed like a good fit, but it looks like maybe it
only works with controllers, so maybe not. I'm a pretty much a nuby,
but I think maybe I want to do a mixin? If so, where would the module
with my method go within the rails application folder structure? And
how do I do a mixin?