I experimenting with this config class. I'm hoping to get something
really easy to write and I'm on to something here, well at least I
thought I was. This class allows me to build a nested Has like:
Config.new do
simple_setting 'the value'
nested {
nested_key 'nested_value'
deep_nesting {
deep_nested_key 'deep nested value'
The problem is that if I have a key that matches the name of the Hash
class method set, problems arise. Currently, the only way that the
settings can be made is if the method doesn't exist (using
method_missing). Obviously, this is a problem. Would someone mind
kicking in here and giving me a clue as to how I could solve this
problem? Is it possible to do what I want, with out having to use
Thanks - matt
class Config < Hash
def initialize(init_data=nil, &block)
update init_data if init_data.respond_to?(:each_pair)
def configure(&block)
instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
def method_missing(method, data=nil, &block)
self[method] = data
if data.nil?
# if data.nil?, create a skelton using the method as key (method
return self[method] = self.class.new(data, &block)
On Feb 28, 12:50 pm, goodieboy <goodie...@gmail.com> wrote:
I experimenting with this config class. I'm hoping to get something
really easy to write and I'm on to something here, well at least I
thought I was. This class allows me to build a nested Has like:
Config.new do
simple_setting 'the value'
nested {
nested_key 'nested_value'
deep_nesting {
deep_nested_key 'deep nested value'
The problem is that if I have a key that matches the name of the Hash
class method set, problems arise. Currently, the only way that the
settings can be made is if the method doesn't exist (using
method_missing). Obviously, this is a problem. Would someone mind
kicking in here and giving me a clue as to how I could solve this
problem? Is it possible to do what I want, with out having to use
Thanks - matt
class Config < Hash
def initialize(init_data=nil, &block)
update init_data if init_data.respond_to?(:each_pair)
def configure(&block)
instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
def method_missing(method, data=nil, &block)
self[method] = data
if data.nil?
# if data.nil?, create a skelton using the method as key (method
return self[method] = self.class.new(data, &block)
I experimenting with this config class. I'm hoping to get something
really easy to write and I'm on to something here, well at least I
thought I was. This class allows me to build a nested Has like:
I threw this together in a few minutes, doesn't support nested hashes
though It writes out your hash to a .yaml file that you can read in
- Drew
require 'yaml'
class Configuration
def initialize(filename) @filename = filename @hash = {}
def method_missing(name,*args) @hash[name] = args.first
def store
File.open(@filename,"w") do |out|
out << YAML::dump(@hash)
def Configuration filename,&block
config = Configuration.new(filename)
Hi that's great! I'm wondering though, is it possible to turn the
whole thing into a Hash?
What I'd like to be able to do is:
1. create a default config with only the code to be evaluated
2. push that code into a file (no problem)
3. load it into a hash later
With #1, here is an example:
a 40
b 4
c 2
I'd like to have a file with only this in it:
a 40
b 4
c 2
Is that possible? Without calling self?
Thanks again, I'm going to pick this apart and see if I can learn
something from it!
On Feb 28, 3:49 pm, -a <ara.t.how...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Feb 28, 12:50 pm, goodieboy <goodie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I experimenting with this config class. I'm hoping to get something
> really easy to write and I'm on to something here, well at least I
> thought I was. This class allows me to build a nested Has like:
> Config.new do
> simple_setting 'the value'
> nested {
> nested_key 'nested_value'
> deep_nesting {
> deep_nested_key 'deep nested value'
> }
> }
> end
> The problem is that if I have a key that matches the name of the Hash
> class method set, problems arise. Currently, the only way that the
> settings can be made is if the method doesn't exist (using
> method_missing). Obviously, this is a problem. Would someone mind
> kicking in here and giving me a clue as to how I could solve this
> problem? Is it possible to do what I want, with out having to use
> method_missing?
> Thanks - matt
> class Config < Hash
> def initialize(init_data=nil, &block)
> update init_data if init_data.respond_to?(:each_pair)
> configure(&block)
> end
> def configure(&block)
> instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
> end
> def method_missing(method, data=nil, &block)
> self[method] = data
> if data.nil?
> # if data.nil?, create a skelton using the method as key (method
> chaining)
> return self[method] = self.class.new(data, &block)
> end
> self
> end
> end
I experimenting with this config class. I'm hoping to get something
really easy to write and I'm on to something here, well at least I
thought I was. This class allows me to build a nested Has like:
I threw this together in a few minutes, doesn't support nested hashes
I spoke too soon, it does now
require 'yaml'
class Configuration
def initialize(filename=nil) @filename = filename @hash = {}
def method_missing(name,*args,&block)
if block
config = Configuration.new
config.instance_eval(&block) @hash[name] = config.hash_value
else @hash[name] = args.first
def store
File.open(@filename,"w") do |out|
out << YAML::dump(@hash)
def hash_value @hash
def Configuration filename=nil,&block
config = Configuration.new(filename)
Configuration "my_app.yaml" do
a 10
b 20
c 30
d do
d1 10
d2 20
Thanks Drew. I had something like that working too. But the problem is
method_missing. What if I want to create a key that happens to have
the same name as a method that actually exists? Also, how would you
convert that to a hash?
Thanks again,
On Feb 28, 6:11 pm, Drew Olson <olso...@gmail.com> wrote:
Drew Olson wrote:
> M.W. Mitchell wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I experimenting with thisconfigclass. I'm hoping to get something
>> really easy to write and I'm on to something here, well at least I
>> thought I was. This class allows me to build a nested Has like:
> I threw this together in a few minutes, doesn't support nested hashes
> though
I spoke too soon, it does now
require 'yaml'
class Configuration
def initialize(filename=nil) @filename = filename @hash = {}
def method_missing(name,*args,&block)
if block
config= Configuration.new
config.instance_eval(&block) @hash[name] =config.hash_value
else @hash[name] = args.first
def store
File.open(@filename,"w") do |out|
out << YAML::dump(@hash)
def hash_value @hash
def Configuration filename=nil,&block
config= Configuration.new(filename)
Configuration "my_app.yaml" do
a 10
b 20
c 30
d do
d1 10
d2 20
Thanks Drew. I had something like that working too. But the problem is
method_missing. What if I want to create a key that happens to have
the same name as a method that actually exists? Also, how would you
convert that to a hash?
Thanks again,
Matt -
That code actually produces a hash, we are just storing it in a file. If
you wanted to grab the file and use the hash, you would do something
along the lines of:
Cool that's exactly what I was looking for! I came up with this simple
little piece:
class Config
instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless (m =~ /^__/) or
['class', 'instance_eval'].include?(m) }
def initialize(init_data=nil, &block) @d = init_data || {}
instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
def to_hash; @d; end
def method_missing(method, data=nil, &block) @d[method] = data
return @d[method] = self.class.new(data, &block).to_hash if
data.nil? @d
c = Config.new do
simple_setting 'the value'
send 'Testing send'
nested {
new 'Testing new, make sure it gets passed to method_missing'
nested_key 'nested_value'
deep_nesting {
deep_nested_key 'deep nested value'
o 'Test'
instance_variables 'test'
puts c.to_hash.inspect
Thanks for all of your help and suggestions. I learned quite a bit
from this
On Mar 2, 12:27 pm, Drew Olson <olso...@gmail.com> wrote:
M.W. Mitchell wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks Drew. I had something like that working too. But the problem is
> method_missing. What if I want to create a key that happens to have
> the same name as a method that actually exists? Also, how would you
> convert that to a hash?
> Thanks again,
> Matt
Matt -
That code actually produces a hash, we are just storing it in a file. If
you wanted to grab the file and use the hash, you would do something
along the lines of:
Thought I'd just update this as it's exactly what I was trying to do -
have the config settings in a file, but only the block contents. Now
in your config file, you can do: