Ben Myles wrote:
I'm trying to write some code to connect to a SOAP webservice. I only
need to call one method: SendMessage (see
I've been reading PickAxe but it's pretty thin on this stuff. I've got
the outline of my code done, but am stuck on what arguments to send
the method call.
result = soap.SendMessage(...)
I realise I need to send the arguments along, but how do I send
complex datatypes (in the definition URL above you will see there are
destinations containing recipients etc.). Also, do I need to specify
every parameter or are some optional? Is it possible to query the web
service for this information in Ruby?
You should use WSDL file located at
At first, generate class definition from the WSDL as follows.
% wsdl2ruby.rb --wsdl
- --type client --force
I, [2005-07-20T14:40:25.503516 #32113] INFO -- app: Creating class
W, [2005-07-20T14:40:25.504452 #32113] WARN -- app: File 'default.rb'
exists but overrides it.
F, [2005-07-20T14:40:25.570157 #32113] FATAL -- app: Detected an
exception. Stopping ... undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass
Oops. I found the bug and fixed it at subversion repository. Please
obtain the latest soap4r source from its subversion repository, or
download the latest snapshot tarball from http://dev.ctor.org/download/
With the latest soap4r source, wsdl2ruby.rb should run fine and the
following script should work.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'defaultDriver.rb'
obj = FaxProcessorSoap.new
parameters = SendMessage.new(FaxMessage.new(...), 'NaHi', 'passwd')
puts obj.sendMessage(parameters)
class FaxMessage is very big. Good luck with you and soap4r...
// NaHi