Help re manual RubyGems update?


I'm installing on Windows latest version of Ruby (on-click). Then I'm
downloading the RubyGems zip and installing per, i.e. "ruby setup.rb". (as I
have a firewall issue for a normal update approach)

I get the following error however:


C:\Temp\rubygems-1.1.1\rubygems-1.1.1>gem -v

C:\Temp\rubygems-1.1.1\rubygems-1.1.1>gem list
ERROR: While executing gem ... (NameError)
    uninitialized constant Gem::Commands::QueryCommand



Any ideas/advice?


Can you try something else?

1) download rubygems-update-1.1.1.gem

2) gem install rubygems-update-1.1.1.gem

3) execute update_rubygems

There could be some error with the generated scripts for the One-Click
installer (btw, is 1.8.6-26, right?)



On May 13, 12:17 am, Greg Hauptmann <> wrote:

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]


I'm installing on Windows latest version of Ruby (on-click). Then I'm
downloading the RubyGems zip and installing per, i.e. "ruby setup.rb". (as I
have a firewall issue for a normal update approach)

Luis Lavena