I’m writing my first Ruby extension in C, which will be an interface
to libcrack for checking passwords.
Here’s the code of ruby_crack.c:
#include “ruby.h”
#include “crack.h”
static VALUE passwd_init(VALUE self, VALUE passwd) {
fprintf(stderr, “passwd = %s\n”, STR2CSTR(passwd));
return passwd;
static VALUE passwd_check(VALUE self, VALUE dict) {
char *string;
fprintf(stderr, “%s\n”, STR2CSTR(self));
string = FascistCheck(STR2CSTR(self), STR2CSTR(dict));
return rb_str_new2(string);
VALUE cCrack;
void Init_Crack() {
fprintf(stderr, “In Init_Crack()\n”);
cCrack = rb_define_class(“Password”, rb_cString);
rb_define_method(cCrack, “initialize”, passwd_init, 1);
rb_define_method(cCrack, “check”, passwd_check, 1);
However, when I call it from Ruby, the initialisation doesn’t happen
[ianmacd@jiskefet]$ irb ~/src/ruby-crack
irb(main):001:0> require 'Crack’
In Init_Crack()
irb(main):002:0> foo = Password.new(“foobar”)
passwd = foobar
irb(main):003:0> foo
The extension is properly loaded and initialised, but when calling
passwd_init(), foo gets set to an empty string, not “foobar”. I can’t
figure out why this is. Password is supposed to be a subclass of
I’m sure I’m overlooking something very basic here, but what?
Ian Macdonald | I’d like to see the government get out of
ian@caliban.org | war altogether and leave the whole field to
> private industry. – Joseph Heller