Hash vs. array (dictionary lookup)


This code took 3 or 4 seconds to complete on my 900MHz PIII with 256Mb RAM.

h = {}
x = [“abd123”] * 90000
x.each_with_index do |y, i|
h[y + i.to_s] = 1
puts h.size

Very strange. I run my code, which is almost same as above again, it runs
very fast. But when I do this:

ruby -r profile loadtohash.rb dict.txt

It becomes very slow. I did the same thing (-r profile) with the loadtoarray
version, it worked just like without profiling…

What on earth is happening?



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Profiling intercepts the execution of each Ruby-level statement.
Consider the number of statements executed in your two chunks of code.



On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 13:39, Shannon Fang wrote:


This code took 3 or 4 seconds to complete on my 900MHz PIII with 256Mb RAM.

h = {}
x = [“abd123”] * 90000
x.each_with_index do |y, i|
h[y + i.to_s] = 1
puts h.size

Very strange. I run my code, which is almost same as above again, it runs
very fast. But when I do this:

ruby -r profile loadtohash.rb dict.txt