Hash :: Recursive traversing and stripping the values

    I am a Ruby Newbie.

    I wrote a function for stripping all the values(a recursive one if
it is a nested hash) but i almost end up in an
    error suggesting "Error => in `strip_hash_values': stack level too
deep (SystemStackError)".
    Can someone help me with this.


    Here's the code:

    def strip_hash_values(hash)

      hash.each do |k, v|

        if v.class == String
          hash[k] == v.strip!

        elsif v.class == Array
          v.each do |vv|

        elsif v.class == Hash



Vimal Das

vimal <cool.vimalsmail@gmail.com> writes:

    I am a Ruby Newbie.

    I wrote a function for stripping all the values(a recursive one if
it is a nested hash) but i almost end up in an
    error suggesting "Error => in `strip_hash_values': stack level too
deep (SystemStackError)".
    Can someone help me with this.

Perhaps a circular data structure is the problem:

irb(main):001:0> h = Hash.new
irb(main):002:0> h[:ha]=Hash.new
irb(main):003:0> h[:ha][:ho]=h
irb(main):004:0> h
irb(main):005:0> h[:ha][:ho][:ha]
irb(main):006:0> h[:ha][:ho][:ha][:ho]


__Pascal Bourguignon__

   error suggesting "Error => in `strip_hash_values': stack level too
deep (SystemStackError)".

Vimal, take a very close look at the recursive call:

       elsif v.class == Hash

You have a simple typo/bug there.

When i free up a couple of minutes i'll follow up with some additional

HTH for now,


On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 5:50 PM, vimal <cool.vimalsmail@gmail.com> wrote:

So is there any other way to carry out this stripping
functionality thoughout the hash(if nested too)!!!

Some further observations:

1. This line uses a comparison operator, not the assignment operator:
    hash[k] == v.strip!

2. We're getting away with the above typo because we're using #strip!
(the version with side-effect). So the string v is being modified in
place and therefore doesn't need to be assigned back to hash[k].
Needless to say this is redundant - we should either use #strip or get
rid of the assignment.

3. A case statement may be a better choice than if/else. I tend to
consider a case statement as soon as i have more than two branches -
it reads slightly cleaner and is easier to add new cases to. See the
example below.

4. I would consider adding a catch-all clause and failing fast with
an exception if the hash contains an unhandled type. Even if you
later choose to silently ignore unhandled types, keeping the else
clause in the code usefully documents your intent. Again, see the
example below.

The code below includes rspec (test) code in case that's of use/inspiration.


The following code can be also be seen at:

def strip_hash_values(hash)

  hash.each_value do |v|
    case v
      when String then v.strip!
      when Array then v.each {|i| i.strip! }
      when Hash then strip_hash_values(v)
      else raise ArgumentError, "Unhandled type #{v.class}"


describe 'strip_hash_values' do

  it 'should recurse and strip hash values' do
    hash = { c: ' s ', a: [' an ', ' array '], h: { nested: ' hash ' } }
    stripped = { c: 's', a: [ 'an', 'array' ], h: { nested: 'hash' } }
    strip_hash_values(hash).should eql(stripped)

  it 'should raise an exception if the hash contains an unhandled type' do
    lambda { strip_hash_values( { e: 1 } ) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)



On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 6:20 PM, lasitha <lasitha.ranatunga@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 5:50 PM, vimal <cool.vimalsmail@gmail.com> wrote:

   error suggesting "Error => in `strip_hash_values': stack level too
deep (SystemStackError)".

Vimal, take a very close look at the recursive call:

       elsif v.class == Hash

You have a simple typo/bug there.

sender: "vimal" date: "Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 09:40:02PM +0900" <<<EOQ

So is there any other way to carry out this stripping
functionality thoughout the hash(if nested too)!!!


Of course there is:

        elsif v.class == Hash

should actually be:

        elsif v.class == Hash

Additionally, you could 'cheat' and use "case" (no more need to check
the type/class manually):

def strip_hash_values(hash)
  hash.each do |k, v|
     case v
    when String
    when Array
      v.each {|vv| vv.strip!}
    when Hash


>>> sender: "vimal" date: "Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 09:40:02PM +0900" <<<EOQ
> So is there any other way to carry out thisstripping
> functionality thoughout thehash(if nested too)!!!

Of course there is:

    elsif v\.class ==Hash

should actually be:

    elsif v\.class ==Hash

Additionally, you could 'cheat' and use "case" (no more need to check
the type/class manually):

  This is what an user expects to learn(some additional tips) and
master a scripting lang

def strip_hash_values(hash)
hash.each do |k, v|
case v
when String
when Array
v.each {|vv| vv.strip!}


Thanks for all your suggestions
I now figure it how.


On Feb 16, 7:03 pm, "Alexandru E. Ungur" <alexan...@globalterrasoft.ro> wrote:

Hi Guys,

  I found out another way to do this using a 'lambda' function
  I am just curious to know, how effective is this compared to the
above mentioned suggestions


  Code modified from source http://blog.hasmanythrough.com/2008/6/20/recursive-lambda


  thunk = lambda do |key,value|
    case value
      when String then value.strip!
      when Hash then value.each(&thunk)
      when Array then value.each {|vv| vv.strip!}



  Vimal Das
  Waiting with curiosity :expressionless: