Hack to work around eval scoping?

I've learned that in 1.8 eval is scoped like a block.. I'm wondering how I might get around that?

For a little background, here's what I'm working on. Essentially an erb script of Ruby examples, that lists code and output neatly. It's basically similar to a non-interactive version of why's try ruby - well, in some ways. I think... :slight_smile:

Anyway, here's the shell of the script which demonstrates my problem, in case I haven't explained myself clearly enough:

require 'syntax/convertors/html'
include ERB::Util

def output(code)
    result = eval(code)
    if result

# would be nice to pass this an array
# of strings to be eval'd in sequence too
def ruby(code)
    convertor = Syntax::Convertors::HTML.for_syntax "ruby"
    "<div class=\"examplelist\">" +
    "<div class=\"example\">" +
    "<div class=\"code\">" +
    convertor.convert( code.gsub(/\t/," ") ) +
    "</div>" +
    "<div class=\"output\">" +
    h(output(code)) +
    "</div>" +


<%= ruby( <<EOS
a = 1 + 2
) %>

<%= ruby( <<EOS
a # undefined because in 1.8 eval is scoped like blocks
) %>



Stephen Waits wrote:

I've learned that in 1.8 eval is scoped like a block.. I'm wondering
how I might get around that?

You can use eval with a binding argument:

10:21:12 [c]: ruby -e 'def f() x=1; g("x=6", binding); puts x; end; def
g(c,b) eval(c,b) end; f'

Kind regards
