Scite misses out what I consider the core, practically raison d'etre
feature - the ability to click a button and start a clean IRB session
which autoloads the program you're typing into the editor. Let's say,
for instance, that I'm developing some complicated mathematical
algorithm. I can get a bit of it right, click "reload", play about for
a while in IRB using the functions I've already defined, till I nail
the next function, then add it to the program and hit 'reload' again.
This was my favourite DrScheme feature. I think QBasic also allowed
this to a certain extent, though I could be misremembering (that was a
very underappreciated IDE, though).
On 3/14/07, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <> wrote:
Scite is a bit like that, at least the version shipped with the Windows
One-Click Installer. A DrRuby would be spectacular, though!
Sorry, about that, I should have included the link to RubyForge:
James Edward Gray II
On Mar 14, 2007, at 1:04 PM, Albert Ng wrote:
Nevermind, it's listed as EventMachine in rubyforge, one word... 
I miss this functionality that IDLE has for Python; if any of the GUI
kits were mature enough, I would be interested in developing it in
ruby. Sadly, every attempt I've made thus far to make something
usable hasnt turned out well (I started to do it in FX, but it was
ugly; Wx wasn't/isn't mature; I guess QT or TK would work but it
wasn't my first choice...). I started again with wxPython and got
something working with an SDI interface, but ditched it because I
didn't want to have to run Python to edit and run Ruby...
On 3/14/07, Martin DeMello <> wrote:
On 3/14/07, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <> wrote:
> Scite is a bit like that, at least the version shipped with the Windows
> One-Click Installer. A DrRuby would be spectacular, though!
Scite misses out what I consider the core, practically raison d'etre
feature - the ability to click a button and start a clean IRB session
which autoloads the program you're typing into the editor. Let's say,
for instance, that I'm developing some complicated mathematical
algorithm. I can get a bit of it right, click "reload", play about for
a while in IRB using the functions I've already defined, till I nail
the next function, then add it to the program and hit 'reload' again.
This was my favourite DrScheme feature. I think QBasic also allowed
this to a certain extent, though I could be misremembering (that was a
very underappreciated IDE, though).
My free Ruby e-book:
My blogs:
> 1. A recorder that will capture a Watir script of a web application as
> someone uses it from IE (or Firewatir/Firefox)
I would be really interested in this, since I am just integrating
FireWatir support into scRUBYt![1] - so far navigating to the page you
wish to scrape is described manually, like:
fetch ''
fill_textfield 'field-keywords', 'logitech keyboard'
choose_option 'url', 'Computers & PC Hardware'
#Construct the scraper here
stuff do
item_name "Logitech diNovo Edge ( 967685-0403 )"
price "$169.98"
OK, also this is thousand times easier than to do it by hand - however,
if I could record user steps and spit out a script automatically instead
of writing it by hand, it would be even much more cool!
I really like this idea and I would be willing to do something related
to that in the Google SoC. There's one thing though: although I have
some good background in computing, I have close to no experience in
Ruby and web-related development. Is there anything already done
related to recording that I could base my work on? I've heard there's
something like that already working in Perl.
Also, I don't know how ambitious a project like this would be for
someone with my experience, so if anyone has a better idea of how
difficult it is please share. What are the skills I would have to
learn? What tools? If it's too difficult to do it all on my own, what
would be a reasonable subset of features I could proppose to implement
and that are more urgently needed by the community?
Thanks a lot!
On 14 mar, 05:10, Peter Szinek <> wrote:
__ Ruby and Web2.0 blog Ruby web scraping framework The indexed archive of all things Ruby
I really like this idea and I would be willing to do something related
to that in the Google SoC. There's one thing though: although I have
some good background in computing, I have close to no experience in
Ruby and web-related development. Is there anything already done
related to recording that I could base my work on? I've heard there's
something like that already working in Perl.
Here is something already:
Also, I don't know how ambitious a project like this would be for
someone with my experience, so if anyone has a better idea of how
difficult it is please share. What are the skills I would have to
learn? What tools? If it's too difficult to do it all on my own, what
would be a reasonable subset of features I could proppose to implement
and that are more urgently needed by the community?
Well, for the Watir related questions you should ask Bret Pettichord ( bret @!totally! nospam@ ) he also sent the above link and he is one of the project admins of Watir. You could ask also Angrez Singh (angrez @brutally -@nospam@ who is developing FireWatir. (I would like to see this stuff with Firefox, not IE - so that also non-win32 people can enjoy it).
As for the Ruby part - well, of course you would need to know a fair amount of Ruby anyway - and extend it with the specific info you get from Bret/Angrez. Hopefully somebody with more insight into these things will reply you...
__ :: Ruby and Web2.0 blog :: Ruby web scraping framework :: The indexed archive of all things Ruby