Getting the next line with the iterator


I would like to know if there is a ruby way to achieve what I want to
do. I want to be able to access the next iterator while reading a file.
Basically, I want to be able to collect the next 3 lines when I
encounter a certain line:

list = []'toto.txt', 'rb') do |myFile|
  myFile.each {|line|

          if line =~ /regExp/
              list << line.nextIterator
              list << line.nextIterator
              list << line.nextIterator
puts list

This code is not working, I know. The method "nextIterator" doesn't
exist. This is the way I see it, but I don't know how to do it. I think
that you can invode the method "next" on iterators in Python. I don't
know how to do that without invoking the command 'next' with a flag and
a counter, a little bit like this code (which is not very rubyist):

list = []
flagIn = false
counter = 3'toto.txt', 'rb') do |myFile|
    myFile.each {|line|

        if line =~ /regExp/i
            flagIn = true

        if flagIn
            list << line
            counter -= 1
            flagIn = false if counter == 0
puts list

Any suggestions?



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This is totally untested but perhaps:
list = do |file|
     file.each do |line|
         if line =~ /regexp/
          3.times { list << file.gets }


On Apr 27, 2006, at 6:20 PM, Eric Boucher wrote:


I would like to know if there is a ruby way to achieve what I want to
do. I want to be able to access the next iterator while reading a file.
Basically, I want to be able to collect the next 3 lines when I
encounter a certain line:

list ='toto.txt', 'rb') do |myFile|
  myFile.each {|line|

          if line =~ /regExp/
              list << line.nextIterator
puts list

This code is not working, I know. The method "nextIterator" doesn't
exist. This is the way I see it, but I don't know how to do it. I think
that you can invode the method "next" on iterators in Python. I don't
know how to do that without invoking the command 'next' with a flag and
a counter, a little bit like this code (which is not very rubyist):

list =
flagIn = false
counter = 3'toto.txt', 'rb') do |myFile|
    myFile.each {|line|

        if line =~ /regExp/i
            flagIn = true

        if flagIn
            list << line
            counter -= 1
            flagIn = false if counter == 0
puts list

Any suggestions?

Posted with Sign up and save your mailbox.

How about reading the enire file in an array, something like (untested code):
  arr = IO.readlines('toto.txt')
  list = []
      if line =~ /regExp/
        list << line[i]
          list << line[i+1]
          list << line[i+2]
  This may not work as is, but will give you an idea ...
  -- shanko


Eric Boucher <> wrote:

I would like to know if there is a ruby way to achieve what I want to
do. I want to be able to access the next iterator while reading a file.
Basically, I want to be able to collect the next 3 lines when I
encounter a certain line:

list = []'toto.txt', 'rb') do |myFile|
myFile.each {|line|

if line =~ /regExp/
list << line.nextIterator
list << line.nextIterator
list << line.nextIterator
puts list

This code is not working, I know. The method "nextIterator" doesn't
exist. This is the way I see it, but I don't know how to do it. I think
that you can invode the method "next" on iterators in Python. I don't
know how to do that without invoking the command 'next' with a flag and
a counter, a little bit like this code (which is not very rubyist):

list = []
flagIn = false
counter = 3'toto.txt', 'rb') do |myFile|
myFile.each {|line|

if line =~ /regExp/i
flagIn = true

if flagIn
list << line
counter -= 1
flagIn = false if counter == 0
puts list

Any suggestions?

Posted with Sign up and save your mailbox.

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How bout this?

list ='testdata.txt') do |file|
   start_line = -1
   file.each do |line|
     start_line = $. if line =~ /start_here/
     list << line if ($. == start_line + 1) .. ($. == start_line + 3)



On Apr 27, 2006, at 11:20 pm, Eric Boucher wrote:

I would like to know if there is a ruby way to achieve what I want to
do. I want to be able to access the next iterator while reading a file.
Basically, I want to be able to collect the next 3 lines when I
encounter a certain line

Something like this maybe?

list =
matched = -1'ruby.txt', 'rb') do |myFile|
  myFile.each {|line|
    matched = 0 if line =~ /regExp/
    list << line if matched > 0
    matched = matched > 2 ? -1 : matched + 1
puts list


On 4/27/06, Eric Boucher <> wrote:


I would like to know if there is a ruby way to achieve what I want to
do. I want to be able to access the next iterator while reading a file.
Basically, I want to be able to collect the next 3 lines when I
encounter a certain line:

Bill Guindon (aka aGorilla)
The best answer to most questions is "it depends".

Oops, made a mistake :slight_smile:

Shashank Date <> wrote: list << line[i]
list << line[i+1]
list << line[i+2]
  This should have read:
  list << arr[i]
  list << arr[i+1]
  list << arr[i+2]
  Sorry for the confusion ...
  -- shanko


Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

Oh I forgot to say... anyone know how to avoid the horrible Perlism ($.)?


On Apr 27, 2006, at 11:56 pm, Ashley Moran wrote:

    start_line = $. if line =~ /start_here/
    list << line if ($. == start_line + 1) .. ($. == start_line + 3)

Thanks a lot everybody for all your good answers. Logan, this is exactly
what I wanted. Ashley, if you want to avoid the $. , maybe you can use this:

require 'English'
     start_line = $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER if line =~ /start_here/

Thanks again to everybody!


On Friday, April 28, 2006, at 8:00 AM, Ashley Moran wrote:

On Apr 27, 2006, at 11:56 pm, Ashley Moran wrote:

    start_line = $. if line =~ /start_here/
    list << line if ($. == start_line + 1) .. ($. == start_line + 3)

Oh I forgot to say... anyone know how to avoid the horrible Perlism ($.)?

Posted with Sign up and save your mailbox.