Getting Syntax error while using raise and rescue in a method

Hi All,

I am relatively new to ruby programming, I am trying to capture if any
kind of exception happens in a Click method. so, I am using raise and
rescue in the "Click" method. Looks like I am doing something not
correctly and the script throws this error "syntax error, unexpected
kRESCUE rescue Exception => e at line # 152

            What I am trying to do here is I am checking Id of an object
, if the id doesn't exist throw an exception, rescue an exception and
display an exception and continue executing the script

                Could please take a look at the script ( Click method)
and help me to resolve this issue?. Advance thanks for your help




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If you indent your code, you will see it more clearly:

def Click(ie,id,verifyval)
    writeln 'CLICK- ' + id
    if id.exists?
      $ie.button(:id, id).click

      if id == 'TriggerFeedAnchor'
        sleep 10
      elsif id == 'onestop'
        sleep 20
        sleep 8
      raise Exception "ID RETURNED #{id}."
  rescue Exception => e
    puts e.message
  # puts $!
    if $ie.contains_text(verifyval)
      puts "Test Passed. Found the string: on the page #{verifyval}. "
      puts "Test Failed! Could not find the string on the page: #{verifyval} "


After the raise, you have to close the if with an end. Rescue comes at
the same scope (same indentation level) as begin. With that fixed, now
you have an extra "end" after "break. You need to remove that:

def Click(ie,id,verifyval)
    writeln 'CLICK- ' + id
    if id.exists?
      $ie.button(:id, id).click

      if id == 'TriggerFeedAnchor'
        sleep 10
      elsif id == 'onestop'
        sleep 20
        sleep 8
      raise Exception "ID RETURNED #{id}."
  rescue Exception => e
    puts e.message
  # puts $!
  if $ie.contains_text(verifyval)
    puts "Test Passed. Found the string: on the page #{verifyval}. "
    puts "Test Failed! Could not find the string on the page: #{verifyval} "

Hope this helps,



On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Sat nosur <> wrote:

Hi All,

I am relatively new to ruby programming, I am trying to capture if any
kind of exception happens in a Click method. so, I am using raise and
rescue in the "Click" method. Looks like I am doing something not
correctly and the script throws this error "syntax error, unexpected
kRESCUE rescue Exception => e at line # 152

       What I am trying to do here is I am checking Id of an object

, if the id doesn't exist throw an exception, rescue an exception and
display an exception and continue executing the script

           Could please take a look at the script \( Click method\)

and help me to resolve this issue?. Advance thanks for your help

