Getting FXRuby to work on MacOSX 10.2

Raphael Marmier wrote:

I've been trying to use FXRuby on MacOSX 10.2.2 and 10.2.3 the past week without success. I guess my problems come from the fact that 10.2 is built with gcc 3.1, which is now the default compiler now.

I tried fox-1.0.28/29 and FXRuby-1.0.16/17.

Fox compiles with gcc 3.1 but is unreliable (./test/hello fails with Bus error).

MacOSX allows to switch back to gcc 2.95 so I decided to try compiling everything, including ruby (1.6.7), with it. It just required a few hack.

Fox just works, even with opengl.

Just to confirm so far: you're saying that if you compile FOX with gcc-2.95, FOX (including its OpenGL stuff) works properly. But if you compile FOX with gcc-3.1 it breaks? That's interesting (not in a good way, but interesting nevertheless). FOX seemed to transition from the gcc-2.9x series to gcc-3.x just fine under Linux et al.

FXRuby compiles and installs fine. But when I try equire 'fox' in irb, it explodes with the following:

[pomme:~/Work] raphael% /usr/local/bin/irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'fox'
(irb):1: [BUG] Bus Error
ruby 1.6.7 (2002-03-01) [powerpc-darwin6.0]

Yes. This is consistent with what I, and everyone else who's tried it under Mac OS X, has seen.

hmmm. From here on I have no clue.

You are in good company. None of us has a clue about what to try next :wink: Before I left town for the holidays I had begun building debug versions on the Mac OS X node of the SourceForge compile farm, to see if I had any shot at all with debugging the problem, but I don't know if that will really tell us anything we don't already know. The crash is definitely occurring while Ruby is trying to dynamically load the shared library ( that implements the FXRuby extension module, but I don't yet know why.