Getting a list of Processes

fr Reggie Mr:

# Here it is...I think this is what you were looking for.
# It displays all of the properties for a WMI Class.


# require 'win32ole'
# class MyClass
# def get_process_info()
# procs = WIN32OLE.connect("winmgmts:\\\\.")
# rst = procs.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM meta_class WHERE __class =
# 'Win32_Process'")
# rst.each do |x|
# puts x.path_.Class.to_s #The Class Name
# x.properties_.each do |m|
# puts " " + m.Name.to_s #Available Properties of this Class
# end
# end
# end
# end
# a =
# a.get_process_info()

cool, Reggie. Thanks much.

I've modified it a bit, if u don't mind.

class WMI
   require 'win32ole'
   def initialize
      @procs = WIN32OLE.connect("winmgmts:\\\\.")
   def get_class(wmi_class)
      rst = @procs.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM meta_class WHERE __class =
      rst.each do |x|
         x.properties_.each do |m|
            yield m if block_given?

a =

puts "---get process names----"
a.get_class("Win32_Process") do |cl|

puts "---get registry names----"
a.get_class("Win32_Registry") do |cl|

I have a problem though, how do i get other properties besides the name, eg, i tried cl.description but it does not work.
sorry if this is too simple. i do not do windows programming.

kind regards -botp

I have a problem though, how do i get other properties besides the name,
eg, i tried cl.description but it does not work.
sorry if this is too simple. i do not do windows programming.

kind regards -botp

The only other property values avialable are:
CIMType Type of this property.
IsArray Boolean value that indicates if this property has an array
IsLocal Boolean value that indicates if this property is local.
Name Name of this WMI property.
Origin Contains the originating class of this property.
Qualifiers An SWbemQualifierSet object, which is the collection of
                for this property.
Value Actual value of this property. This is the default
                property of this object.

It's available at this link:


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