As you can see from the link you posted, the constant name is
GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, not GetoptLong::OptionalArgument. However, I'd
consider using OptionParser (which, like GetoptLong is included in the ruby
standard library) rather than GetoptLong, since it provides a much more ruby-
oriented interface.
On Thursday 30 September 2010, RichardOnRails wrote:
>I'm using Example:
>as a guide to GetoptLong usage. I get the message:
>uninitialized constant GetoptLong::OptionalArgument (NameError)
>for line 10 of the program listed below (with line 10 flagged). Can
>anyone point me to a working example of GetoptsLong usage?
>Thanks in Advance,
># SummarizeBalances.rb
># K:\_Projects\Ruby\_Ruby_Apps\InvestmentSW
># Example:
>require 'GetoptLong'
> puts "Args = " + ARGV.join(", ")
> opts =
> [ "--from", "-f", GetoptLong::OptionalArgument], # Line 10
> [ "--to", "-t", GetoptLong::OptionalArgument],
> [ "--weeks_until", "-w", GetoptLong::OptionalArgument]
> )
> # Process the arguments
> opts.each { |opt, arg|
> puts %{%s => "%s"} % [opt, arg]
> }
> rem_args = ARGV.join(", ")
> puts "Remaining args = %s" % [rem_args] if rem_args
> >Hi,
> >
> >I'm using Example:
> >as a guide to GetoptLong usage. I get the message:
> >
> >uninitialized constant GetoptLong::OptionalArgument (NameError)
> >
> >for line 10 of the program listed below (with line 10 flagged). Can
> >anyone point me to a working example of GetoptsLong usage?
> >
> >Thanks in Advance,
> >Richard
> >
> ># SummarizeBalances.rb
> ># K:\_Projects\Ruby\_Ruby_Apps\InvestmentSW
> ># Example:
> >
> >require 'GetoptLong'
> >
> > puts "Args = " + ARGV.join(", ")
> >
> > opts =
> > [ "--from", "-f", GetoptLong::OptionalArgument], # Line 10
> > [ "--to", "-t", GetoptLong::OptionalArgument],
> > [ "--weeks_until", "-w", GetoptLong::OptionalArgument]
> > )
> >
> > # Process the arguments
> > opts.each { |opt, arg|
> > puts %{%s => "%s"} % [opt, arg]
> > }
> > rem_args = ARGV.join(", ")
> > puts "Remaining args = %s" % [rem_args] if rem_args
As you can see from the link you posted, the constant name is
GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, not GetoptLong::OptionalArgument. However, I'd
consider using OptionParser (which, like GetoptLong is included in the ruby
standard library) rather than GetoptLong, since it provides a much more ruby-
oriented interface.
Hi Stefano,
Excellent response.
As you can see ...
Admittedly, I did see the syntax in the example. What I didn't see,
alas, was the precise option I wanted to use. By time I clicked my
SciTE editor, thus overlaying the example, I forgot the syntax.
Remembering the words was all I could muster. Sad tale
Looks good, especially the comprehensive example.
Best wishes,
On Sep 30, 10:38 am, Stefano Crocco <> wrote:
On Thursday 30 September 2010, RichardOnRails wrote: