Gem and optparse : help needed

Hello, I want to use optparse on a gem packaged bin/ file

The goal is to make foo usable from the command line without anything else except the name of the file (no .rb, no ruby ./something)
So, the Ruby file in bin/ directory don't have .rb extension and includes this as the first line of code

So does several packages I've seen (rcov for example)

But for a reason I don't understand the code above doesn't works...
From the stdlib doc, tested on a mygem/bin/foo :

require 'optparse'

   options = {} do |opts|
     opts.banner = "Usage: example.rb [options]"

     opts.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose", "Run verbosely") do |v|
       options[:verbose] = v

p options

foo --verbose

Why ? What's wrong ??



At Fri, 27 Oct 2006 07:30:34 +0900,
Zouplaz wrote in [ruby-talk:222142]:

foo --verbose

It did display {:verbose=>true} as expected.

Does gem's wrapper do something wicked?


Nobu Nakada