Gateway still down?

The <-> ruby-talk gateway doesn't
seem to be working. Is someone working on it?

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Hey Bil, hello list,

Bil Kleb schrieb:

The <-> ruby-talk gateway doesn't
seem to be working. Is someone working on it?

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As I already mentioned in my first mail, I was planning
to migrate the gateway to a box at a different provider,
because the contract (and project) for the other box ended
at the end of april. Due to the fact that I was out of the
office for easter I was not able to notify you guys earlier.

Well, the planned outage was all that worked like it was
planned, the script doesn't really work together with the
new news host I was planning to use (not allowing gateways,
and the promised exemption was not fulfilled), and the
provider of the old host let us down when I asked them if
they would let us their new host for a few bucks per month,
although they they were interested at first.

Due to the fact that I was out of the office for easter I
was not able to notify you guys earlier.

So, if anyone knows/runs a news host allowing such sort of
usage I would be happy to hear from you. As a temporary
solution I would be happy if anyone could take over the
gateway until things are worked out here. All we need is a
host with ruby and a stable connection to a news host.

Kind regards and sorry for all the problems,

Dennis Oelkers

Hi Dennis.

Maybe I can run gateway if it doesn't need to last very long. Could you
please tell me what I have to install to run gateway?

Specifically, I'm curious about the following:
1) Do I need to install some sort of newsgroup server?
2) Do I need some specific linux distribution?
3) How much CPU/DISK load will be laden on the server?
4) How long should I have to run the gateway? (I can run it until Dec.,

You can email me if you want:

Minkoo Seo

Dennis Oelkers wrote:


So, if anyone knows/runs a news host allowing such sort of
usage I would be happy to hear from you. As a temporary
solution I would be happy if anyone could take over the
gateway until things are worked out here. All we need is a
host with ruby and a stable connection to a news host.

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