fxRuby: changing icon in TreeItem crashes


You have to explicitly call "create" for the new icon to
create the server side object. Fox does it automatically
for all the objects it can see at the time "create" is
called for the FXApp object if I remember correctly.

From: list-bounce@example.com
[mailto:list-bounce@example.com] On Behalf Of Christer Nilsson
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 6:44 PM

I would like to change the icon used by TreeItem in TreeList.
I'm using

  # Convenience function to load & construct an icon
  def makeIcon(filename)
      filename = File.join("icons", filename)
      icon = nil
      File.open(filename, "rb") { |f|
        icon = FXPNGIcon.new(getApp(), f.read)
      raise RuntimeError, "Couldn't load icon: #{filename}"


  doc = makeIcon("minidoc.png")


  @tree.currentItem.text = "new icon coming ..."
  @tree.currentItem.closedIcon = doc # crash!

I had no problem adding icons when the TreeItem was constructed.

I'm using fox14.




-----Original Message-----

Thanks Yura, this solved my problem!

Do I have to destroy or delete also, to balance create?


Kloubakov Yura wrote:



You have to explicitly call "create" for the new icon to
create the server side object. Fox does it automatically
for all the objects it can see at the time "create" is
called for the FXApp object if I remember correctly.



  doc = makeIcon("minidoc.png")


  @tree.currentItem.text = "new icon coming ..."
  @tree.currentItem.closedIcon = doc # crash!

I had no problem adding icons when the TreeItem was constructed.

I'm using fox14.



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

No, the icon's resources will be destroyed automatically when it's


On 4/7/06, Christer Nilsson <janchrister.nilsson@gmail.com> wrote:

Do I have to destroy or delete also, to balance create?