FXRuby 1.2.0 / Fox 1.2.6


I got some problem with ... what ?

I downloaded

        rubygems 0.7

I installed Fox-1.2.6. ... no errors.
I installed rubygems...still no errors
I did a

   sudo gem install FXRuby-1.2.0.gem

Still no errors.

In the FXRuby-documentation (which is installed unfortunately not
under /usr/share/doc or /usr/doc...) I found then the advice to
install FXRuby with

   sudo ruby FXRuby-1.2.0.gem

which I treid but it gaves me an error. I ignored this, since if me
previously takey way of installing FXRuby would be wrong, I had no
chance to read, that I did wrong... :wink:



Furthermore in the documentation I found a short check for a correct

irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems'
irb(main):002:0> require_gem 'fxruby'

which both works.

Time for.....HELLO.WORLD!!!

I typed in

    require 'fox'
    include Fox
    theApp = FXApp.new
    theMainWindow = FXMainWindow.new(theApp, "Hello")

as described in tzhe docu.....I chmod+x'ed the scruipt and started

And I got

  ./hw.rb:4: uninitialized constant Fox (NameError)


Since these are my very very first steps with FXRuby I have really no
clue what this will say to me... :O)

What did I so badly wrong here, that even "Hello World" does not like
me ?

Thank you very much for any help in advance!

Dont worry - use.ruby!


finally I found some errors but it still not work.

I removed Fox 1.2.6, FXRuby 1.2.0 and installed additionally
scintilla, scite and fxscintiila.

Then I reinstalled Fox 1.2.6 and finally FXRuby.

There were no error message up to this point.

Then I did a

    gem check --alien

and got

    [tmp/] :gem check --alien
    Performing the 'alien' operation
    fxruby-1.2.0 has 1 problems
            Unmanaged files in gem: ["ext/fox/layout_wrap.o",
            "ext/fox/list_wrap.o", "ext/fox/icons_wrap.o", "ext/fox/mdi_wrap.o",
            "ext/fox/mkmf.log", "ext/fox/dc_wrap.o", "ext/fox/FXRbGLViewer.o",
            "ext/fox/iconlist_wrap.o", "ext/fox/markfuncs.o",
            "ext/fox/treelist_wrap.o", "ext/fox/text_wrap.o", "ext/fox/FXRbApp.o",
            "ext/fox/impl.o", "ext/fox/FXRbDataTarget.o", "ext/fox/gem_make.out",
            "ext/fox/scintilla_wrap.o", "ext/fox/menu_wrap.o",
            "ext/fox/image_wrap.o", "ext/fox/FXRuby.o", "ext/fox/librb.o",
            "ext/fox/table_wrap.o", "ext/fox/core_wrap.o", "ext/fox/label_wrap.o",
            "ext/fox/dialogs_wrap.o", "ext/fox/opengl_wrap.o", "ext/fox/Makefile",
            "ext/fox/frames_wrap.o", "ext/fox/ui_wrap.o"]
    sources-0.0.1 is error-free

The gem manual stated to use the initial sequence of

   require 'rubygems'
   require_gem 'fxruby'

   include Fox


and the FXRuby manual state in opposite to use

   require 'fxruby'

   include Fox
None work for me.

I constantly get:

./helloworld.rb:8: uninitialized constant Fox (NameError)
The examples included in fxruby-1.2.0.gem do not work also.

At this point I have no ideas anymore what to do.

Does anyone out there installed Fox-1.2.6 and FXRuby-1.2.0.gem
successfully and do know, what I did so badly wrong ?

Any help is very appreciated ! :wink:

Thank you very much in advance for any hint... :O)

Ruby.use !


From: Meino Christian Cramer <Meino.Cramer@gmx.de>
Subject: FXRuby 1.2.0 / Fox 1.2.6
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 18:26:34 +0900

I got some problem with ... what ?

I downloaded

                          rubygems 0.7

I installed Fox-1.2.6. ... no errors.
I installed rubygems...still no errors
I did a

   sudo gem install FXRuby-1.2.0.gem

Still no errors.


In the FXRuby-documentation (which is installed unfortunately not
under /usr/share/doc or /usr/doc...) I found then the advice to
install FXRuby with

   sudo ruby FXRuby-1.2.0.gem

which I treid but it gaves me an error.

The latest version of RubyGems (version 0.7.0) was released just a day
or so ago. They decided to make some non-backwards-compatible changes.
The next alpha release of FXRuby 1.2.0 will account for these changes.

I ignored this, since if me
previously takey way of installing FXRuby would be wrong, I had no
chance to read, that I did wrong... :wink:

No, you followed the instructions correctly, and those would have
worked for RubyGems 0.6.1. Such is life on the bleeding edge of

Furthermore in the documentation I found a short check for a correct

irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems'
irb(main):002:0> require_gem 'fxruby'

which both works.


I typed in

    require 'fox'
    include Fox
    theApp = FXApp.new
    theMainWindow = FXMainWindow.new(theApp, "Hello")

as described in tzhe docu.....I chmod+x'ed the scruipt and started

And I got

  ./hw.rb:4: uninitialized constant Fox (NameError)

OK, that part of the documentation is out of date for this alpha
release. Have I used the words "first alpha release" enough in this

Since these are my very very first steps with FXRuby I have really no
clue what this will say to me... :O)

Maybe it will say to you, "use the stable release and not an unstable
alpha release." But somehow I doubt it.


On Sat, 10 Jul 2004 18:26:34 +0900, Meino Christian Cramer <meino.cramer@gmx.de> wrote:

> Since these are my very very first steps with FXRuby I have really no
> clue what this will say to me... :O)

Maybe it will say to you, "use the stable release and not an unstable
alpha release." But somehow I doubt it.

Why being so cynical?

Is there anthythin else you want to say to me beyond "dont use these
alpha software (and may be help to find some bugs)" which actually
help me installing this?



From: Lyle Johnson <lyle.johnson@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: FXRuby 1.2.0 / Fox 1.2.6
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 04:53:37 +0900

I'm sorry if I'm being cynical, but let's review the facts. In a
previous thread, starting here:


I specifically advised you to stick with FOX and FXRuby versions 1.0
because they are the stable releases. I made a point of saying
(repeatedly) that FXRuby 1.2 is an unstable, alpha release and not
ready for general use. Simon also chimed in on that thread with the
same advice.

You chose to ignore that advice and plunged ahead (see
http://ruby-talk.org/105890\), and then griped about the fact that
(surprise) the very first alpha release did, in fact, have some
errors. So I'll repeat my advice, for what it's worth: If you are new
to FXRuby, please use the stable release. It's pretty well tested at
this point, and any existing Ruby applications that build on FXRuby
(such as FreeRIDE, or AEditor) aren't going to be up to date with
FXRuby 1.2 anyways.

I've made a point of *not* announcing these alpha releases on the
ruby-talk list, or in the RAA, because I expect that most people will
have similarly frustrating experiences as you've had. At this point,
I'm mainly interested in having some more experienced FXRuby users
helping me to check it out. After a few more alpha releases (I'm not
sure how many it will take), I hope that we'll move up to a more
stable situation and at that point I'll probably promote it to a
"beta" grade and announce it here and elsewhere. But I think it would
be a waste of most people's time to do that right now.



On Sun, 11 Jul 2004 11:36:47 +0900, Meino Christian Cramer <meino.cramer@gmx.de> wrote:

Why being so cynical?

Is there anthythin else you want to say to me beyond "dont use these
alpha software (and may be help to find some bugs)" which actually
help me installing this?