FXRuby-1.0.18 and Fox-1.1.22 incompatible?


I saw on fifthplanet how someone installed fxruby-1.0.17 with
fox 1.1.x, but when I try with fxruby-1.0.18 I get:

ruby install.rb config –
install.rb: entering config phase…
—> lib
—> lib/fox
<— lib/fox
<— lib
—> ext
—> ext/fox
The version number for this installation of FOX appears to be
with this release of FXRuby (1.0.18).
—> ext/fox/include
<— ext/fox/include
<— ext/fox
<— ext
install.rb: config done.

Is FXRuby-1.0.18 not compatible with fox-1.1.x?


Jim Freeze

You may have heard that a dean is to faculty as a hydrant is to a dog.
– Alfred Kahn

Jim Freeze wrote:

Is FXRuby-1.0.18 not compatible with fox-1.1.x?

FXRuby-1.0.x is compatible with fox-1.0.x only.

There is no (publically released) version of FXRuby compatible with the
fox-1.1.x series of releases. I am tracking it in the CVS, but until
Jeroen gets really close to an official fox-1.2 release I’m not going to
push it (it’s enough work trying to keep up with one version :wink: