In ruby you pass the object to the method, not a reference to the variable.
This means that, if you change the object, changes will affect every variable
which contains the object. On the other hand, changing the object contained in
the argument of the method (that is, writing var = 20) won't affect any other
variable. This means that if some classes are unchangeable (such as all kind
of numbers and symbols), you can't do what you want. Other classes provide
methods which change them in place. As I said, such changes will affect every
variable which points to the object. Here are some examples which should make
things clearer:
def m1 str
def m2 str
str = "a string"
def m3 str
x = "test"
m1 x
puts "After m1 x is: #{x}"
m2 x
puts "After m2 x is: #{x}"
m3 x
puts "After m3 x is: #{x}"
The output is:
After m1 x is: test
After m2 x is: test
After m3 x is: TEST
m1 calls String#upcase, which is a non-destructive method (that is, a method
which doesn't change its receiver) and does nothing else. Of course, this
doesn't change x.
m2 sets the local variable str, which initially contains the argument passed
to the method, to a different value, "a string". In C++, if the argument was a
reference, this would have also set x to "a string". In ruby it doesn't.
m3 calls a destructive method on str. A destructive method changes its
receiver, so the contents of the object contained by str change (notice that
this is different from the previous case, where a new object was put into
str). Since str and x contain the same object, x also changes. A method like
this can be used to achieve the result you wanted, but it can be written only
if the argument has a destructive method which does what you need (for
example, you couldn't have done the same for an Integer, since it doesn't have
destructive methods).
I hope this helps
On Monday 24 March 2008, Adam Akhtar wrote:
Im coming over to Ruby from C++ after a long break from programming. One
thing im having to get used to is how ruby references or points directly
to variables. In C++ I can pass a variable as an argument to a function
and then change the value within the function. This change will be
reflected outside of the function. How do i go about doing this in ruby?
x = 10
def changeit var
var = 20
changeit x
puts x
==> 20