i like it in order too - logical order that is:
class Controller
before_filter do
def action
class Model
has_many :children do
def extension
the reality is that logical order and organization is far more important, consider reading a rails app 'in order' or having to install your own 'run' hook at the end of every test suite. the reality is that it's situational - if a script has 50 methods before it gets around to the 'main' call any sane person might enjoy reading the 'help' method first. this is an overriding principle of my 'main.rb' lib and i think most people would agree that reading something like
is preferable than needing to dig through the source until the help method happens to come along. same goes for associations in models and filters in controllers, etc. also consider that a block in ruby may or may not be executed in the same order that you read it
task do
good thing this doesn't run here
or the fact that helper methods aren't injected into a view in rails until very late in the execution phase and are silo'd off precisely so that we do NOT have to read them en route to understanding a view.
the order of code is always situational but i think that people who read alot of code from many languages, not only ruby, will agree that logical order is the one thing that should always be considered, language limitations/conventions are always a secondary consideration unless one programs exclusively in one language. i think this is actually quite important since the evolution of ruby will introduce compliers and other enhancements that will/are undoubtedly change the way code is evaluated while logical constructs will remain stable.
so my thinking is that rubyists should *always* strive to present code in a rough logical order so long as great deviations from the idioms of the language are not made. this included organizing projects into a good hierarchy, factoring out libs, using deferred execution (lambda), and tools such as BEGIN|END|at_exit etc. by using all the tools provided to support the cleanest logical presentation code reading will be enhanced for even those without vast rubyfu.
my 2 cts.
a @ http://codeforpeople.com/
On Dec 13, 2008, at 2:11 AM, David A. Black wrote:
It can serve a purpose, but please have mercy on those of us who like
our Ruby in order It's really not that hard to get used to the
principle that the code (including method definitions) is executed as
it's encountered, and then you don't have to think about whether or
not to flip it.
we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama