Frameless Ruby docs (was Re: Whats new/fixed in Ruby 1.9 and Ruby 2.0)

Tom Allison wrote:
What constructive suggestions can someone provide to improve this for the community?

I have to be honest, Ruby isn't the most well-documented language, from a newbies point of view. The docs aren't as tutorial-like as, say, the PHP manual is. Of course, as other have already said, Ruby doesn't get documented by itself -- help is appreciated.

I'd like to see a "manual" on, one that shares the visual identity of the main site. Preferably without the use of frames.

Could a little tweaking of rDoc make that happen? If so, I may be able to cook up some usable and relatively accessible XHTML and CSS, though I have to say I'm not much of a graphics artist, so I might need some help with that, unless we're going completely minimalistic.

You don't even need to 'tweak RDoc,' as it happens. Having gotten rather exasperated with the current default of little frames across the top with teensy scroll bars, I was delighted to discover that it's simply a default template. Dig down to [/usr/local/lib]/ruby/1.8/rdoc/generators/template/html and discover not only the default 'jamis.rb' template but a number of alternatives lurking therin. :slight_smile:

My personal revised template still has frames, but now they're down the left side, so I can see more lines at the same time. I'm sure an unframed version wouldn't be rocket science; seems pretty likely that at least one of the alternative templates does exactly that already.


On Jun 17, 2006, at 3:07, Daniel Schierbeck wrote: