Fortran Format?

OK, I have an algorithm that I created to format a series of numbers
for a column centric FORTRAN routine to use. I don’t like what I have
created, although it works, so I would like to ask if anyone here has
a more cleaver way.

Problem: I have a series of numbers that need to be formated as a
FORTRAN program would. That is, FORTRAN cares more about columns than
numbers so I need to fake the output of Ruby to make it look “decimal

Example, a series of numbers:
3.15, 122.5, 303.123, 55.0
Input for C or Ruby (the space means a new number):
3.15 122.5
303.123 55.0
Input needed for FORTRAN with format (f7.3,f5.1):
303.123 55.0

My Ruby hack to put spaces at the begining if necessary:
def ff(num,len1,len2)
x = num.to_s.split(".")
numstring = ""
x[0].size.upto(len1 - 1) {|b| numstring << ’ '}
numstring << x[0] << "."
numstring << x[1][0…len2]

bla …
printf("%s %s\n", ff(3.150,3,3),ff(122.5,3,1)
printf("%s %s\n", ff(303.123,3,3),ff(55.0,3,1)

I know that this needs improvement so your help would be appreciated.
I have to interface with these types of FORTRAN programs a lot, thus
far I have avoided this.

Qubert wrote:

printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(3.150,3,3),ff(122.5,3,1)
printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(303.123,3,3),ff(55.0,3,1)

More like



Qubert wrote:

OK, I have an algorithm that I created to format a series of numbers
for a column centric FORTRAN routine to use. I don’t like what I have
created, although it works, so I would like to ask if anyone here has
a more cleaver way.

Problem: I have a series of numbers that need to be formated as a
FORTRAN program would. That is, FORTRAN cares more about columns than
numbers so I need to fake the output of Ruby to make it look “decimal

Example, a series of numbers:
3.15, 122.5, 303.123, 55.0
Input for C or Ruby (the space means a new number):
3.15 122.5
303.123 55.0
Input needed for FORTRAN with format (f7.3,f5.1):
303.123 55.0

My Ruby hack to put spaces at the begining if necessary:
def ff(num,len1,len2)
x = num.to_s.split(“.”)
numstring = “”
x[0].size.upto(len1 - 1) {|b| numstring << ’ '}
numstring << x[0] << “.”
numstring << x[1][0…len2]

bla …
printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(3.150,3,3),ff(122.5,3,1)
printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(303.123,3,3),ff(55.0,3,1)

A better way would be to be to use the sprintf method (documented on
page 427 of the pickaxe) to format the string.

The following code does what you want

def ff(num, len1, len2)
sprintf(“%#{len1 + len2 + 1}.#{len2}f”, num)

printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(3.150,3,3),ff(122.5,3,1))
printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(303.123,3,3),ff(55.0,3,1))

I know that this needs improvement so your help would be appreciated.
I have to interface with these types of FORTRAN programs a lot, thus
far I have avoided this.



Mark Sparshatt

I know that this needs improvement so your help would be appreciated.
I have to interface with these types of FORTRAN programs a lot, thus
far I have avoided this.


“%7.3f%5.1f\n” % [3.15,122.5]
=> " 3.150122.5\n"


il 19 May 2004 14:40:13 -0700, (Qubert) ha scritto::

How about calling your FORTRAN routines directly from ruby?

I recently started on a Fortran-oriented linear algebra package in
which I do this. However I put off working on it until I was
convinced a show-stopper crash in ruby/dl could be fixed. As it so
happens, it was fixed today [ruby-core:2095].

I have yet to form a project on rubyforge, but probably all you need
is the following example:

require ‘dl/import’
require ‘dl/struct’
require ‘evil’ #

module Lapack
extend DL::Importable

dlload “”
dlload “”
dlload “”

typealias “doublereal”, “double”
typealias “integer”, “int”
typealias “ftnlen”, “short”

def self.prototype s
func, args = s.strip.gsub(%r!\s+!, " “).split(%r![()]!)
args = args.gsub(%r!(\w+[\s])\w*!){$1}.gsub(%r!\s+!,”")
extern “#{func}(#{args})”

prototype %{
void s_copy(char *a, char *b, ftnlen la, ftnlen lb);

prototype %{
int dgemm_(char *transa,
char *transb,
integer *m,
integer *n,
integer *k,
doublereal *alpha,
doublereal *a,
integer *lda,
doublereal *b,
integer *ldb,
doublereal *beta,
doublereal *c,
integer *ldc)

class DMatrix

attr_reader :vsize, :hsize

def initialize(columns, copy = true)
@vsize = columns[0].size
@hsize = columns.size
if copy
@columns = { |col| { |e| e.to_f } }
@columns = columns

def self.columns(columns, copy = true), copy)

def (i, j) ; @columns[j][i] ; end
def =(i, j, e) ; @columns[j][i] = e.to_f ; end

def to_s
res = “”
(0…vsize).each { |i|
(0…hsize).each { |j|
res << sprintf(“% 10-.6f”, self[i,j])
res << “\n”

def data

def, hsize, data)
flat = data.unpack(ELEMTYPE_GLOB)
cols = (0…hsize).map { flat.slice!(0, vsize) }, false)

def *(other)
m = self.vsize
n = other.hsize
k = other.vsize

  raise "matrix size mismatch" unless self.hsize == k
  a = self
  b = other
  c_data = [0.0].pack(ELEMTYPE)*(m*n)
     # prevent dangling pointers

     Lapack.dgemm_("N",                 # transa
                   "N",                 # transb
                   [m].to_ptr,          # m
                   [n].to_ptr,          # n
                   [k].to_ptr,          # k
                   [1.0].to_ptr,        # alpha
         , # a
                   [m].to_ptr,          # lda
         , # b
                   [k].to_ptr,          # ldb
                   [0.0].to_ptr,        # beta
                   c_data.internal.ptr, # c
                   [n].to_ptr)          # ldc
  end, n, c_data)


a = DMatrix.columns [ [1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7,8] ]
b = DMatrix.columns [ [9,10,11,12], [13,14,15,16] ]
[a, b, a*b].each { |m|
puts “-”*50
puts m


— Qubert wrote:

OK, I have an algorithm that I created to format a series of numbers
for a column centric FORTRAN routine to use. I don’t like what I have
created, although it works, so I would like to ask if anyone here has
a more cleaver way.

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this will not work on ‘too wide’ numbers as printf never truncates, eg:

~ > cat a.rb
def ff(num, len1, len2); sprintf(“%#{len1 + len2 + 1}.#{len2}f”, num); end

puts(ff(12345.12345, 3, 3))

~ > ruby a.rb

the fortan format specifier says that the output/input will be EXACTLY as
wide as specified - not expanded. in otherwords it WILL truncate on output
and respect columns (not whitespace like scanf) in input. it’s really a
terrible thing ;-(. in any case, something like this may work:

~ > cat b.rb
def ff num, len1, len2
(sprintf “%#{ len1 }.#{ len2 }f”, num)[0…len1]
puts(ff(12345.12345, 3, 3))
puts “#{ ff 3.15, 7, 3 }#{ ff 122.5, 5, 1 }”
puts “#{ ff 303.123, 7, 3 }#{ ff 55.0, 5, 1 }”

~ > ruby b.rb
303.123 55.0

but my fortran is rusty… i forget if the decimal bit is required? if so this
won’t work since it may eject the mantissa… so, truncation is needed to
enforce field width but i’m not positive this is the correct method of
truncation… hopefully, since you are working with fortran actively, you will
know the answer to this :wink:




On Thu, 20 May 2004, Mark Sparshatt wrote:

Qubert wrote:

OK, I have an algorithm that I created to format a series of numbers
for a column centric FORTRAN routine to use. I don’t like what I have
created, although it works, so I would like to ask if anyone here has
a more cleaver way.

Problem: I have a series of numbers that need to be formated as a
FORTRAN program would. That is, FORTRAN cares more about columns than
numbers so I need to fake the output of Ruby to make it look “decimal

Example, a series of numbers:
3.15, 122.5, 303.123, 55.0
Input for C or Ruby (the space means a new number):
3.15 122.5
303.123 55.0
Input needed for FORTRAN with format (f7.3,f5.1):
303.123 55.0

My Ruby hack to put spaces at the begining if necessary:
def ff(num,len1,len2)
x = num.to_s.split(“.”)
numstring = “”
x[0].size.upto(len1 - 1) {|b| numstring << ’ '}
numstring << x[0] << “.”
numstring << x[1][0…len2]

bla …
printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(3.150,3,3),ff(122.5,3,1)
printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(303.123,3,3),ff(55.0,3,1)

A better way would be to be to use the sprintf method (documented on
page 427 of the pickaxe) to format the string.

The following code does what you want

def ff(num, len1, len2)
sprintf(“%#{len1 + len2 + 1}.#{len2}f”, num)

printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(3.150,3,3),ff(122.5,3,1))
printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(303.123,3,3),ff(55.0,3,1))

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“640K ought to be enough for anybody.” - Bill Gates, 1981

oops, that’s [ruby-core:2905]


— Jeff Mitchell wrote:

it was fixed today [ruby-core:2095].

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“Mark Sparshatt” schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Qubert wrote:

OK, I have an algorithm that I created to format a series of numbers
for a column centric FORTRAN routine to use. I don’t like what I have
created, although it works, so I would like to ask if anyone here has
a more cleaver way.

Problem: I have a series of numbers that need to be formated as a
FORTRAN program would. That is, FORTRAN cares more about columns than
numbers so I need to fake the output of Ruby to make it look “decimal

Example, a series of numbers:
3.15, 122.5, 303.123, 55.0
Input for C or Ruby (the space means a new number):
3.15 122.5
303.123 55.0
Input needed for FORTRAN with format (f7.3,f5.1):
303.123 55.0

My Ruby hack to put spaces at the begining if necessary:
def ff(num,len1,len2)
x = num.to_s.split(“.”)
numstring = “”
x[0].size.upto(len1 - 1) {|b| numstring << ’ '}
numstring << x[0] << “.”
numstring << x[1][0…len2]

bla …
printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(3.150,3,3),ff(122.5,3,1)
printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(303.123,3,3),ff(55.0,3,1)

A better way would be to be to use the sprintf method (documented on
page 427 of the pickaxe) to format the string.

The following code does what you want

def ff(num, len1, len2)
sprintf(“%#{len1 + len2 + 1}.#{len2}f”, num)

sprintf can already handle widths as arguments:

sprintf( “%*.*f”, len1 + len2, len2, num )

printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(3.150,3,3),ff(122.5,3,1))
printf(“%s %s\n”, ff(303.123,3,3),ff(55.0,3,1))

printf “%*.f %.*f\n”, 7, 3, 3.150, 5, 1, 122.5
3.150 122.5



I know that this needs improvement so your help would be appreciated.
I have to interface with these types of FORTRAN programs a lot, thus
far I have avoided this.


Mark Sparshatt