I want to start an app from a ruby script on windows 2K.
When the app is started the script is blocked by the new app until it's left.
I tried to use fork but that' s not supported under windows. I just want to start the app and then leave it alone. How can I do that?
Alexander Fleck.
For a simple solution, you could use "start", e.g.
system "start notepad.exe"
On 11/10/05, Alexander Fleck <Fleck@schleissheimer.de> wrote:
I want to start an app from a ruby script on windows 2K.
When the app is started the script is blocked by the new app until it's left.
I tried to use fork but that' s not supported under windows. I just want to start the app and then leave it alone. How can I do that?
but that has the same effect. My script is blocked until I close the app.
Yes, that' s it.
I can close my Ruby script, it' s a FXRuby app and the .exe keeps alive.
That' s what I wanted.
Alexander Fleck wrote:
Yes, that' s it.
I can close my Ruby script, it' s a FXRuby app and the .exe keeps alive.
That' s what I wanted.
You can also do
Thread.new do
system "whatever"
and your main thread (and other ruby threads) will keep running while
"whatever" runs.
vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407