For enumerators: last, prev?

I see that enumerators have the methods rewind and next.

Are there equivalent methods "end" and "prev"?

I see reverse_each ... but what if I do have a large enumerable object and don't want the intermediate array created?

The documentation ( ) for reverse each says:

- - -

reverse_each(*args) {|item| block } ? enum click to toggle source
reverse_each(*args) ? an_enumerator

Builds a temporary array and traverses that array in reverse order.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

- - -

Enumerators can only "move" in one direction - forward. #end would be
useless for many (for ex. (1..Float::INFINITY).each - this one never
ends), providing #prev would be equivalent to remembering all of
values yielded so far (unpractical, we don't have infinite memory).

-- Matma Rex


2012/3/12 Ralph Shnelvar <>:

I see that enumerators have the methods rewind and next.

Are there equivalent methods "end" and "prev"?

I see reverse_each ... but what if I do have a large enumerable object and don't want the intermediate array created?

The documentation ( Module: Enumerable (Ruby 1.9.3) ) for reverse each says:

- - -

reverse_each(*args) {|item| block } ? enum click to toggle source
reverse_each(*args) ? an_enumerator

Builds a temporary array and traverses that array in reverse order.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

- - -


The convention is to bottom post. I am moving your comment to the right place and responding.

Monday, March 12, 2012, 11:51:54 AM, you wrote:


2012/3/12 Ralph Shnelvar <>:

I see that enumerators have the methods rewind and next.

Are there equivalent methods "end" and "prev"?

I see reverse_each ... but what if I do have a large enumerable object and don't want the intermediate array created?

The documentation ( Module: Enumerable (Ruby 1.9.3) ) for reverse each says:

- - -

reverse_each(*args) {|item| block } ? enum click to toggle source
reverse_each(*args) ? an_enumerator

Builds a temporary array and traverses that array in reverse order.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

- - -

Enumerators can only "move" in one direction - forward. #end would be
useless for many (for ex. (1..Float::INFINITY).each - this one never
ends), providing #prev would be equivalent to remembering all of
values yielded so far (unpractical, we don't have infinite memory).

-- Matma Rex

For ranges, all you need define is the inverse of the succ function (which must be defined in order to "go forwards").

By the way,
(99_999_999_990..100_000_000_000).last(3) works just fine but
(1..100_000_000_000) seems to hang in a loop. I suspect Ruby is constructing a temporary array.

Ruby seems not to be clever at all about ranges.