For a new ed. of "The Ruby Way"?

I was wondering if anyone has heard of any plan by Hal Fulton to
update "The Ruby Way" to a third ed.

Since the 2nd ed. a lot has changed in the Ruby community: a lot of
areas have ended up with a couple of very strong contenders, and whole
new areas have sprung up with lively competition.

For example: Ruby1.9.2 is soon going to be released, as well as
Rails3. MacRuby didn't even exist at the time. And so on.

It would be really nice to get an updated "The Ruby Way": back when I
read the 2nd ed, it was my favourite Ruby book, and possibly still is
though it's starting to show its age.


He mentioned in an email to me a few months ago that he is working on
an updated edition.


On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Diego Virasoro <> wrote:

I was wondering if anyone has heard of any plan by Hal Fulton to
update "The Ruby Way" to a third ed.