FizzBuzz (1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz, ...) by Example - There's More Than One Way To Do It (Book Edition) @ Yuki & Moto Press Bookshelf


   Hello, I added FizzBuzz (1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz,...) by Example -
There's More Than One Way To Do It [1] by Tom Dalling, Paweł
Świątkowski, Gerald Bauer, et al to the Yuki & Moto Press Bookshelf

   Free Online Books (and Booklets) about Ruby 'n' Friends in the
Manuscripts format and built with Jekyll and Octobook themes [3].

   The FizzBuzz samples include Gold Standard, Classic, Monkey
Patching Fixnum, Object-Oriented w/ Fizznum, Enums, and many more.

   I also included a RSpec Test Driven Development (TDD) sample - I'm
a RSpec newbie (and unbeliever ;-)) - if anyone can improve it or
show a better way - more than appreciated:-):

   describe FizzBuzz do

  describe "number is divisible" do
    it "divisible by" do
       divisible_by?(15,3).must_equal true
    it "divisible by 3" do
       divisible_by_3?(15).must_equal true
    it "divisible by 5" do
       divisible_by_5?(15).must_equal true

  describe "number is fizzbuzz" do
    before do
      @result = fizzbuzz

    it "returns 'Fizz' for multiples of 3" do
      @result[3-1].must_equal "Fizz"

    it "returns 'Buzz' for multiples of 5" do
      @result[5-1].must_equal "Buzz"

    it "returns 'FizzBuzz' for multiples of 3 and 5" do
      @result[15-1].must_equal "FizzBuzz"

    it "returns the passed number if not a multiple of 3 or 5" do
      @result[1-1].must_equal 1

And here's another fizzbuzz algorithm with a classic for loop and
using divisible_by? and case/when/else clauses:

def divisible_by?(numerator, denominator)
  numerator % denominator == 0

def divisible_by_3?( numerator )
  divisible_by?( numerator, 3 )

def divisible_by_5?( numerator )
  divisible_by?( numerator, 5 )

def fizzbuzz
  result = []
  for n in 1..100 do
    result << case
              when divisible_by_3?(n) && divisible_by_5?(n) then "FizzBuzz"
              when divisible_by_3?(n) then "Fizz"
              when divisible_by_5?(n) then "Buzz"
              else n

Happy reading. Happy coding. Happy fizzbuzzing. Cheers.
