Fixrbconfig on Mac OS X Tiger

I'm trying to get the Mac OS X Ruby fix to run -- from p.24 of "Agile Web Development with Rails"

I can d/l it ok with

sudo gem install fixrbconfig

but then when I run sudo fixrbconfig I get:

/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/powerpc-darwin8.0/ruby.h does not exist. This probably means you haven't yet installed Xcode from the Tiger DVD. You won't be able to compile Ruby extensions without it. Please install it then rerun this program.

I tried the 'fix' for this listed here:

<Small Room Software || Tom Riley;

but when I do that I get:

pb17-upstairs:/usr/lib/ruby/1.8 bw$ ln -s universal-darwin8.0/* powerpc-darwin8.0
ln: powerpc-darwin8.0: No such file or directory

When I try it with sudo, I get the same thing:

pb17-upstairs:/usr/lib/ruby/1.8 bw$ sudo ln -s universal-darwin8.0/* powerpc-darwin8.0
ln: powerpc-darwin8.0: No such file or directory

That's as far as Googling got me. Is there another source I'm overlooking?





Bill Whitacre



On 9/23/06, Bill Whitacre <> wrote:

> ====================
> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/powerpc-darwin8.0/ruby.h does not exist. This
> probably means you haven't yet installed Xcode from the Tiger DVD.
> You won't be able to compile Ruby extensions without it. Please
> install it then rerun this program.

try this:

     cp /path/to/your/ruby-1.8.x/source/ruby.h /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/powerpc-



Bill Whitacre wrote:

I'm trying to get the Mac OS X Ruby fix to run -- from p.24 of "Agile
Web Development with Rails"

I can d/l it ok with

sudo gem install fixrbconfig

but then when I run sudo fixrbconfig I get:

> ====================
> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/powerpc-darwin8.0/ruby.h does not exist. This
> probably means you haven't yet installed Xcode from the Tiger DVD.
> You won't be able to compile Ruby extensions without it. Please
> install it then rerun this program.

I tried the 'fix' for this listed here:

<Small Room Software || Tom Riley

but when I do that I get:

pb17-upstairs:/usr/lib/ruby/1.8 bw$ ln -s universal-darwin8.0/*
ln: powerpc-darwin8.0: No such file or directory

When I try it with sudo, I get the same thing:

pb17-upstairs:/usr/lib/ruby/1.8 bw$ sudo ln -s universal-darwin8.0/*
ln: powerpc-darwin8.0: No such file or directory

That's as far as Googling got me. Is there another source I'm

If you're willing to drop the ill-advised "fixing" of Apple's ruby
installation, I would suggest either:

1. For building from scratch:

2. For a quick start:




full disclosure: option #2 is my app




Bill Whitacre

Bill Whitacre wrote:

I'm trying to get the Mac OS X Ruby fix to run -- from p.24 of "Agile Web Development with Rails"

I can d/l it ok with

sudo gem install fixrbconfig

but then when I run sudo fixrbconfig I get:

/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/powerpc-darwin8.0/ruby.h does not exist. This probably means you haven't yet installed Xcode from the Tiger DVD. You won't be able to compile Ruby extensions without it. Please install it then rerun this program.

Did you install XCode? Maybe you have an intel mac, not a powerpc mac? I don't know if the script does or doesn't work with intel macs, but it worked for my powerpc iBook G4. I'm getting a MacBook soon, so I'll be watching the thread with interest. I'm probably going to just compile my own ruby though. It's too late for me on the iBook to go that route, but I think it's a bit cleaner.

Ruby is also available via DarwinPorts which is pretty nice. I'd recommend doing a clean install either via port or manually compiling it. It will take more CPU time but probably less of your own time and provide a cleaner result in the end. With out the developer tools you wont be able to do anything, because you wont have gcc. Grab the tools from your install disk or .


On Sep 26, 2006, at 10:15 AM, Hans Fugal wrote:

Bill Whitacre wrote:

I'm trying to get the Mac OS X Ruby fix to run -- from p.24 of "Agile Web Development with Rails"
I can d/l it ok with
sudo gem install fixrbconfig
but then when I run sudo fixrbconfig I get:

/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/powerpc-darwin8.0/ruby.h does not exist. This probably means you haven't yet installed Xcode from the Tiger DVD. You won't be able to compile Ruby extensions without it. Please install it then rerun this program.

Did you install XCode? Maybe you have an intel mac, not a powerpc mac? I don't know if the script does or doesn't work with intel macs, but it worked for my powerpc iBook G4. I'm getting a MacBook soon, so I'll be watching the thread with interest. I'm probably going to just compile my own ruby though. It's too late for me on the iBook to go that route, but I think it's a bit cleaner.

Reprisal wrote:

Ruby is also available via DarwinPorts which is pretty nice. I'd recommend doing a clean install either via port or manually compiling it. It will take more CPU time but probably less of your own time and provide a cleaner result in the end. With out the developer tools you wont be able to do anything, because you wont have gcc. Grab the tools from your install disk or .

I actually did use the ports version for awhile at the beginning and it only confused things. It will take less me-time to install, yes, but it will not (IMHO) be a cleaner result.

I just went the other way, moving from compiling on my own to using darwin ports. I did have to install the newest version of Xcode but after that everything just worked on both an Intel MacBook and an older PowerPC Imac.

Gary Wright


On Sep 27, 2006, at 9:45 AM, Hans Fugal wrote:

Reprisal wrote:

Ruby is also available via DarwinPorts which is pretty nice. I'd recommend doing a clean install either via port or manually compiling it. It will take more CPU time but probably less of your own time and provide a cleaner result in the end. With out the developer tools you wont be able to do anything, because you wont have gcc. Grab the tools from your install disk or .

I actually did use the ports version for awhile at the beginning and it only confused things. It will take less me-time to install, yes, but it will not (IMHO) be a cleaner result.

Why not just grab locomotive. It is nice, easy, and seperates your
development enviroment from the rest of the mac. And if you don't
like something you can just drag the folder to the trash and start


On 9/27/06, <> wrote:

On Sep 27, 2006, at 9:45 AM, Hans Fugal wrote:

> Reprisal wrote:
>> Ruby is also available via DarwinPorts which is pretty nice. I'd
>> recommend doing a clean install either via port or manually
>> compiling it. It will take more CPU time but probably less of
>> your own time and provide a cleaner result in the end. With out
>> the developer tools you wont be able to do anything, because you
>> wont have gcc. Grab the tools from your install disk or http://
>> .
> I actually did use the ports version for awhile at the beginning
> and it only confused things. It will take less me-time to install,
> yes, but it will not (IMHO) be a cleaner result.

I just went the other way, moving from compiling on my own to using
darwin ports. I did have to install the newest version of Xcode but
after that everything just worked on both an Intel MacBook and an
older PowerPC Imac.

Gary Wright

Amos King
St. Louis, MO