Finding Libraries in Non-standard Places

I want to get my ruby readline extension working, but my readline
library is in /usr/pkg/lib. How do I make ruby find it there?



Curt Sampson <> +81 90 7737 2974
     Make up enjoying your city life...produced by BIC CAMERA

Does --with-readline-dir=/usr/pkg/lib work?

- Ville


Curt Sampson <> writes:

I want to get my ruby readline extension working, but my readline
library is in /usr/pkg/lib. How do I make ruby find it there?

If readline.h is in /usr/pkg/include/readline and
libreadline.* is in /usr/pkg/lib, try this:

  ./configure --with-readline-dir=/usr/pkg



That's it. How does one figure out these options?



On Thu, 28 Oct 2004, WATANABE Hirofumi wrote:

  ./configure --with-readline-dir=/usr/pkg

Curt Sampson <> +81 90 7737 2974
     Make up enjoying your city life...produced by BIC CAMERA


Curt Sampson <> writes:

> ./configure --with-readline-dir=/usr/pkg

That's it. How does one figure out these options?

% ruby -ne 'print if /^ dir_config/ .. /^Return/' README.EXT
dir_config(target[, default_dir])
dir_config(target[, default_include, default_lib])

Parses the command line options and adds the directories specified by
--with-<target>-dir, --with-<target>-include, and/or --with-<target>-lib
to $CFLAGS and/or $LDFLAGS. --with-<target>-dir=/path is equivalent to
--with-<target>-include=/path/include --with-<target>-lib=/path/lib.
Returns an array of the added directories ([include_dir, lib_dir]).

% ruby -ne 'print if /^dir_config/' ext/readline/extconf.rb


On Thu, 28 Oct 2004, WATANABE Hirofumi wrote:


* Curt Sampson <> [1020 09:20]:


On Thu, 28 Oct 2004, WATANABE Hirofumi wrote:

> ./configure --with-readline-dir=/usr/pkg

That's it. How does one figure out these options?

look at extconf.rb - see the online pickaxes description of it
(I have resorted to reading the mkmf.rb source before now however...).

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