Finding classes

I need to find classes that either:

1) Includes a specific module


2) Includes a specfic string in the class name

Either of the two is fine. This is in a Rails environment where I want to
find all classes using one of the two rules above. The problem is that the
classes I want to find probably aren't "required" at the time of searching
(ie ObjectSpace#each_object doesn't find them as far as I can tell and
Module#included hasn't been triggered).

Is it possible to do this?

Best regards,


Tried this (doesn't work):

    class_names =
    ObjectSpace.each_object { |obj| class_names << if obj.is_a?(Class)
&&"ChannelBehaviour") }
    behaviours = { |name| Class.const_get(name) }

Marcus Bristav wrote:

I need to find classes that either:

1) Includes a specific module


2) Includes a specfic string in the class name

require 'enumerator'

ObjectSpace.enum_for(:each_object, Class).select { |x| x.ancestors.include?(Module) }

ObjectSpace.enum_for(:each_object, Class).select { |x| =~ /String/ }


Florian Frank

Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately this won't work as I explained in my
previous mail. The classes aren't required yet, only on the load path (and
are auto-required by Rails when needed as I understand it), so I need to
find them there somehow.



On 8/30/06, Florian Frank <> wrote:

Marcus Bristav wrote:

require 'enumerator'

ObjectSpace.enum_for(:each_object, Class).select { |x|
x.ancestors.include?(Module) }

ObjectSpace.enum_for(:each_object, Class).select { |x| =~ /String/