File.mtime: Bug on Windows?

The bug, if you are correct, is in the Windows' implementation of _stat
(or _stat64).

I think your best bet is, perhaps using the Perl module as a baseline,
to submit a patch to win32.c to ruby-core, keeping in mind that future
versions of Windows just might fix this bug.




-----Original Message-----
From: Axel Friedrich []
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:14 PM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: File.mtime: Bug on Windows?


I think, there is a bug in File.mtime, unfortunately:

  ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-mswin32]
  Windows XP with NTFS filesystem

When reading File.mtime( 'any existing filename'),
the result is different by one hour, when doing this with the
computer clock set to a daylight saving time (DST) and doing this
with the computer clock set to a standard time.

Hello Dan,

I think your best bet is, perhaps using the Perl module as a
baseline, to submit a patch to win32.c to ruby-core,

I think, you are right. Sorry to say, that I don't know programming
perl nor any kind of c. So I think, I'll not succeed in doing this.
(Most of Ruby-programming I do at home, just for fun. Only
occasionally, I use Ruby in my office for making my job somewhat
easier... .)

