Few Questions on Ruby

Given this module definition:

    module Greeting
      def say_hello
        puts "Hello, my name is #{self.name}"

1.) How to implement a class Foo using the Greeting module so that the
following code example generates the expected output. Do not implement a
say_hello method.
    foo = Foo.new("Fred")
    >> Hello, my name is Fred

2.) How to Implement a class Bar using the Greeting module so that the
following code example generates the expected output. Do not implement a
say_hello method.

    >> Hello, my name is Bar

3.) Given this class:

    class Example

    How would you describe the @name variable? Assume you have access
to this source code but can't change it. How would you add methods to
the Example class to set and get the value of @name?
4.) In a Rails application, if it takes a long time for a page to load.
If there is an action that dynamically generates a large binary file and
sends this to clients via send_data. How is this related to the slow
response time? What change can we make to avoid this?


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.


module Greeting
  def say_hello
    puts "Hello, my name is #{self.name}"

class Foo
  attr_accessor :name
  include Greeting

  def initialize(name)
    @name = name


class Bar
  extend Greeting


class Example

  attr_accessor :name


4) Client waits until request finishes even if client doesn't download
any data. Implement a background service to generate large files,
implement user notification service to notify user after file is
generated and ready to use.

Marius Žilėnas

Anil Bhat wrote:


Given this module definition:

    module Greeting
      def say_hello
        puts "Hello, my name is #{self.name}"

1.) How to implement a class Foo using the Greeting module so that the
following code example generates the expected output. Do not implement a
say_hello method.
    foo = Foo.new("Fred")
    >> Hello, my name is Fred

2.) How to Implement a class Bar using the Greeting module so that the
following code example generates the expected output. Do not implement a
say_hello method.

    >> Hello, my name is Bar

3.) Given this class:

    class Example

    How would you describe the @name variable? Assume you have access
to this source code but can't change it. How would you add methods to
the Example class to set and get the value of @name?
4.) In a Rails application, if it takes a long time for a page to load.
If there is an action that dynamically generates a large binary file and
sends this to clients via send_data. How is this related to the slow
response time? What change can we make to avoid this?

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.


This looks suspiciously like homework or interview questions. What is your motivation for posting this seemingly unrelated list of questions / tasks?



On 29.12.2008 07:37, Anil Bhat wrote:

Given this module definition:

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

This looks suspiciously like homework or interview questions. What is

your motivation for posting this seemingly unrelated list of questions /

I can has homework solutionz! :slight_smile:


On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Robert Klemme <shortcutter@googlemail.com> wrote:

I like the fact you can extend single instances, too...

f = Foo.new
f.extend MyModule



On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 2:39 AM, Marius Žilėnas <mzilenas@gmail.com> wrote:


module Greeting
def say_hello
   puts "Hello, my name is #{self.name}"

class Foo
attr_accessor :name
include Greeting

def initialize(name)
   @name = name


class Bar
extend Greeting