External Module.nesting

Is there an obvious method for a module like
that would result in A::B?

Module.nesting came to mind, but no I didn't see an obvious way to make it work.

Daniel Brumbaugh Keeney



What do you mean?

You know, modules are objects, constants are stored in modules. Given those rules you can put a module almost anywhere. AFAICT what you cannot change via API is its name, which is set in stone the first time a module is assigned to a constant. That happens in regular module definitions, or explicitly like this:

     $ irb
     irb(main):001:0> m = Module.new
     => #<Module:0x20eb6c>
     irb(main):002:0> m.name
     => ""
     irb(main):003:0> M = m
     => M
     irb(main):004:0> m.name
     => "M"
     irb(main):005:0> N = M
     => M
     irb(main):006:0> N.name
     => "M"

-- fxn


On Jan 19, 2008, at 12:29 AM, Daniel Brumbaugh Keeney wrote:

Is there an obvious method for a module like
that would result in A::B?

Oh, perhaps you just want something like Module#parent provided by Active Support. There the parent is computed by hand from the module name:

    def parent
      parent_name = name.split('::')[0..-2] * '::'
      parent_name.empty? ? Object : parent_name.constantize

where String#constantize is

    def constantize(camel_cased_word)
      unless /\A(?:::)?([A-Z]\w*(?:::[A-Z]\w*)*)\z/ =~ camel_cased_word
        raise NameError, "#{camel_cased_word.inspect} is not a valid constant name!"

      Object.module_eval("::#{$1}", __FILE__, __LINE__)

-- fxn


On Jan 19, 2008, at 1:07 AM, Xavier Noria wrote:

On Jan 19, 2008, at 12:29 AM, Daniel Brumbaugh Keeney wrote:

Is there an obvious method for a module like
that would result in A::B?

What do you mean?