Explanation on some code


Today i looked at ruby for the first time.

I can't quite figure out what this code is. Could someone give me an

  'some_file.html' => [
    'Some text',
    'Some more text'
  'some_other_file.html' => [
    'other text',
    'And even more text'
  'yet_another_file.html' => [
    ['Last text', 2]

Thanks a lot.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

It is a hash (literally specified at the RHS of the equal sign)
assigned to a constant, FILES.
The hash syntax is like the following

hash ::= '{' key_value_pairs '}' | '{' '}';
key_value_pairs ::= key "=>" value;
key ::= value ::= expression

Your expressions are made of string literals and lists.
Nough said
fire up irb and type in some simple expressions like

{'a' => 42}
x = [1,2,3]
y=%w{a b c }
h={ :symbol => x, "string" => y}



On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Michael Albers <registraties@concatenate.nl> wrote:


Today i looked at ruby for the first time.

I can't quite figure out what this code is. Could someone give me an

'some_file.html' => [
   'Some text',
   'Some more text'
'some_other_file.html' => [
   'other text',
   'And even more text'
'yet_another_file.html' => [
   ['Last text', 2]

Thanks a lot.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Ne baisse jamais la tête, tu ne verrais plus les étoiles.

Robert Dober :wink:


It's a HASH - code structure similar to array where you use as index string
(and not number). Value of elements in hash are arrays

so for example:

FILES['some_other_file.html'] will giv you back array:

   ['other text', 'And even more text']



P.S. Google: Ruby pragmatic programmer and find hash section


On Mon, Dec 01, 2008 at 10:34:08PM +0900, Michael Albers wrote:


Today i looked at ruby for the first time.

I can't quite figure out what this code is. Could someone give me an

  'some_file.html' => [
    'Some text',
    'Some more text'
  'some_other_file.html' => [
    'other text',
    'And even more text'
  'yet_another_file.html' => [
    ['Last text', 2]

Thanks a lot.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Thanks for the quick replies. I will figure it out now.



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Robert Dober wrote:

hash ::= '{' key_value_pairs '}' | '{' '}';
key_value_pairs ::= key "=>" value;
key ::= value ::= expression

You call it "key_value_pair*s*", but don't allow more than one pair. I think
the above should read:
key_value_pairs ::= (key_value_pair ',')* key_value_pair;
key_value_pair ::= key "=>" value;



NP: Tyr - Hail to the Hammer
Jabber: sepp2k@jabber.org
ICQ: 205544826

U know, exercise left to the reader :wink: