On Mar 19, 4:05 pm, Helgitomas Gislason <nitrohel...@hotmail.com> wrote:
There is a ruby calculator in the /ruby installation folder which has
the ability of that when you just type 'Exit', the program exits.
How can I add this feature to a program built by myself? So when I type
'Exit' in the middle of the program, the program exits ...
Initiates the termination of the Ruby script by raising the
+SystemExit+ exception. This exception may be caught. The
parameter is used to return a status code to the invoking
puts "never get here"
rescue SystemExit
puts "rescued a SystemExit exception"
puts "after begin block"
rescued a SystemExit exception
after begin block
Just prior to termination, Ruby executes any +at_exit+ functions
(see Kernel::at_exit) and runs any object finalizers (see
There is a ruby calculator in the /ruby installation folder which has
the ability of that when you just type 'Exit', the program exits.
How can I add this feature to a program built by myself? So when I type
'Exit' in the middle of the program, the program exits ...
I'm pretty sure those examples are there just so you can see how to do things with Ruby. Why don't you just look at the program, figure out how it's doing it, and then do it the same way in your program?
7. if name == 'John'
8. puts 'Nice name!'
9. end
11. if name == 'Mary'
12. puts 'What a beautiful name!'
13. end
Wow, I really recommend you look around to the "case" statement.
And the 'star' (*) operator (this one is tricky : it can either make
an array from separated vars or splat an existing array into several
separate stuff).
case name
when "John", "Johnny" ; puts "nice name"
when * girls_name ; puts "beautiful name"
when "exit" ; exit 0
else puts name
if name == 'exit'
Yes. But why didn't you try ? You'd have seen by yourself