Executing ruby script on a Dreamhost account?

So far, from what I've read, I should use eRuby if I want to execute my
program online.

I've got Dreamhost and I know they have RoR support.

There's a couple libraries I'm using, how do I install these libraries


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Also forgot to ask, would executing ruby code online be easier with

I've built a program for work and I'd like to make this avaliable for my
co-workers without them having to configure a ruby install and running
thru command line.

It scraps a few pieces of data off of google and then outputs it to an
xml. I'm sure I can figure out how to program it so it outputs an html

What I'd really like to do is:

Have a simple page, user pastes in a list of urls in a input box. when
they submit...

My program will grab each url one by one and run my scraper method with
the url and it will output an html file.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

I use eRuby to power a Ruby script on Dreamhost and it works
beautifully (and very quickly).

To get eRuby up and running, login to your shell account, copy DH's
precompiled eRuby to your www directory

  cp /usr/bin/eruby /home/username/example.com/eruby.cgi

And update your .htaccess file

  Options +ExecCGI
  DirectoryIndex index.rhtml index.html index.htm
  AddHandler rubypage .rhtml
  Action rubypage /eruby.cgi

(You can see my implementation at http://code.dunae.ca/svn/premailer/tags/1.4/www/\)

I also run two Rails sites on Dreamhost. They've been very
problematic, though they seem to have been more stable since around
August. If you can get away with eRuby instead of Rails I would
strongly suggest it.

Good luck!


On Nov 26, 9:48 pm, Feng Tien <pood.for...@gmail.com> wrote:

So far, from what I've read, I should use eRuby if I want to execute my
program online.

I've got Dreamhost and I know they have RoR support.

Hi Feng,

My program will grab each url one by one and run my scraper method with the url and it will output an html file.

Isn't that scRUBYt! by any chance? :slight_smile: Well, it doesn't matter whether it's scRUBYt!, a Hpricot script or whatever similar, your process will be kicked to death really fast - or at least that was the situation when I last tried. Maybe they improved their policies somewhat - however I doubt that dream would be usable for these kind of things even after that.

Your best shot is slicehost - it's cheap, fast, easy to setup, great support and no nagging. Dreamhost is great for blogs, gallery, wikis and that sort of stuff (apart from the ocassional screwups and slowdowns). However, hands off if you are trying to run a Ruby script there (unless it's Rails or something they accept).

Just my 2c... let me know if you have a different experience.




Peter Szinek wrote:

Hi Feng,

My program will grab each url one by one and run my scraper method with
the url and it will output an html file.

Isn't that scRUBYt! by any chance? :slight_smile: Well, it doesn't matter whether
it's scRUBYt!, a Hpricot script or whatever similar, your process will
be kicked to death really fast - or at least that was the situation when
I last tried. Maybe they improved their policies somewhat - however I
doubt that dream would be usable for these kind of things even after

Your best shot is slicehost - it's cheap, fast, easy to setup, great
support and no nagging. Dreamhost is great for blogs, gallery, wikis and
that sort of stuff (apart from the ocassional screwups and slowdowns).
However, hands off if you are trying to run a Ruby script there (unless
it's Rails or something they accept).

Just my 2c... let me know if you have a different experience.


yup, it's Scrubyt;)

Would this work better with Rails? I have an dedicated box I have access


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.