Exception catch-all

I have a script that needs to run unattended every night, and I need
to log if it throws an exception anywhere. Is this as simple as
putting a begin..rescue..end around the top-most statements? I know
that doesn't work in C#. Is there a hook or some way that a catch-all
is supposed to be done in Ruby?


Leslie Viljoen wrote:

I have a script that needs to run unattended every night, and I need
to log if it throws an exception anywhere. Is this as simple as
putting a begin..rescue..end around the top-most statements? I know
that doesn't work in C#. Is there a hook or some way that a catch-all
is supposed to be done in Ruby?


This should catch everything, AFAIK:

rescue Exception => err
  puts err

If there is nothing but function calls between "begin" and "rescue", e.g. if
the entire executable block lies there, this should do it.


Paul Lutus

Leslie Viljoen wrote:

I know
that doesn't work in C#.


As far as I know, Ruby's exception handling isn't in any way
revolutionary compared to C++ derivatives, so if that solution works in
Ruby (as others recommended), it should work in C# too...

Also, that solution isn't much different from just dropping the
"exception handling" (which it really isn't if you're just catching them
on toplevel) and redirecting standard output to a file. Of course, the
point remains with the thread scenario, and this doesn't apply if you
need to log differently than just dump the trace someplace you'll find
it later.

David Vallner

You should put this begin...rescue...end around each thread body you
start, unless you set
Thread.abort_on_exception = true. Otherwise exceptions in other
threads might get lost.

Finally I'll mention that rescue without parameter rescues only
StandardError, and therefore doesn't catch all Exceptions.


On 11/8/06, Paul Lutus <nospam@nosite.zzz> wrote:

Leslie Viljoen wrote:

> I have a script that needs to run unattended every night, and I need
> to log if it throws an exception anywhere. Is this as simple as
> putting a begin..rescue..end around the top-most statements? I know
> that doesn't work in C#. Is there a hook or some way that a catch-all
> is supposed to be done in Ruby?
> Les

This should catch everything, AFAIK:

rescue Exception => err
  puts err

If there is nothing but function calls between "begin" and "rescue", e.g. if
the entire executable block lies there, this should do it.

Thanks, that helps.


On 11/8/06, Jan Svitok <jan.svitok@gmail.com> wrote:

On 11/8/06, Paul Lutus <nospam@nosite.zzz> wrote:
> Leslie Viljoen wrote:
> > I have a script that needs to run unattended every night, and I need
> > to log if it throws an exception anywhere. Is this as simple as
> > putting a begin..rescue..end around the top-most statements? I know
> > that doesn't work in C#. Is there a hook or some way that a catch-all
> > is supposed to be done in Ruby?
> >
> > Les
> This should catch everything, AFAIK:
> begin
> ...
> rescue Exception => err
> puts err
> end
> If there is nothing but function calls between "begin" and "rescue", e.g. if
> the entire executable block lies there, this should do it.

You should put this begin...rescue...end around each thread body you
start, unless you set
Thread.abort_on_exception = true. Otherwise exceptions in other
threads might get lost.

Finally I'll mention that rescue without parameter rescues only
StandardError, and therefore doesn't catch all Exceptions.

If there is nothing but function calls between "begin" and "rescue", e.g. if
the entire executable block lies there, this should do it.

You should put this begin...rescue...end around each thread body you
start, unless you set
Thread.abort_on_exception = true. Otherwise exceptions in other
threads might get lost.

Finally I'll mention that rescue without parameter rescues only
StandardError, and therefore doesn't catch all Exceptions.

If you need more verbose output on unhandled exceptions (i.e. yours says
.... 20 lines ...

and you want all the exception lines, i think this code snippet does the

Thread.abort_on_exception = true # dangerous, I know
class Thread
alias init_old initialize
def initialize *args, &block
        init_old args, &block
  rescue Exception => detail
        print "rescued an uncaught exception!"
        print detail.backtrace.join("\n")



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