‘spinbox’ is the feature of Tk8.4.
If your Ruby/Tk doesn’t link the Tk8.4 library,
cannot use TkSpinbox on your Ruby/Tk.
Probably you didn’t write with Ruby/Tk notation.
On Ruby/Tk, each option doesn’t have ‘-’ on its head.
Please see the sample script for menubuttons on this mail.
I’m sorry, but I don’t know about the package.
I have no answer about this.
From: “Richard Browne” richb@timestone.com.au
Subject: Exasperated with ruby/tk - anybody successfully using it?
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 10:53:37 +0900
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
menubutton sample : based on sample menubuttons on the Tcl/Tk demo script
require ‘tk’
TkLabel.new(:text=>‘Sample of TkMenubutton’).pack(:side=>:top)
TkMenubutton.new(:parent=>f, :text=>‘Right’, :underline=>0,
:direction=>:right, :relief=>:raised){|mb|
menu TkMenu.new(:parent=>mb, :tearoff=>0){
add(:command, :label=>‘Right menu: first item’,
:command=>proc{print ‘You have selected the first item’ +
" from the Right menu.\n"})
add(:command, :label=>‘Right menu: second item’,
:command=>proc{print ‘You have selected the second item’ +
" from the Right menu.\n"})
pack(:side=>:left, :padx=>25, :pady=>25)
TkMenubutton.new(:parent=>f, :text=>‘Below’, :underline=>0,
:direction=>:below, :relief=>:raised){|mb|
menu(TkMenu.new(:parent=>mb, :tearoff=>0){
add(:command, :label=>‘Below menu: first item’,
:command=>proc{print ‘You have selected the first item’ +
" from the Below menu.\n"})
add(:command, :label=>‘Below menu: second item’,
:command=>proc{print ‘You have selected the second item’ +
" from the Below menu.\n"})
pack(:side=>:left, :padx=>25, :pady=>25)
TkMenubutton.new(:parent=>f, :text=>‘Above’, :underline=>0,
:direction=>:above, :relief=>:raised){|mb|
menu TkMenu.new(:parent=>mb, :tearoff=>0){
add(:command, :label=>‘Above menu: first item’,
:command=>proc{print ‘You have selected the first item’ +
" from the Above menu.\n"})
add(:command, :label=>‘Above menu: second item’,
:command=>proc{print ‘You have selected the second item’ +
" from the Above menu.\n"})
pack(:side=>:left, :padx=>25, :pady=>25)
TkMenubutton.new(:parent=>f, :text=>‘Left’, :underline=>0,
:direction=>:left, :relief=>:raised){|mb|
menu(TkMenu.new(:parent=>mb, :tearoff=>0){
add(:command, :label=>‘Left menu: first item’,
:command=>proc{print ‘You have selected the first item’ +
" from the Left menu.\n"})
add(:command, :label=>‘Left menu: second item’,
:command=>proc{print ‘You have selected the second item’ +
" from the Left menu.\n"})
pack(:side=>:left, :padx=>25, :pady=>25)
TkFrame.new(:borderwidth=>2, :relief=>:sunken,
:height=>5).pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x, :padx=>20)
TkLabel.new(:text=>‘Sample of TkOptionMenu’).pack(:side=>:top)
colors = %w(Black red4 DarkGreen NavyBlue gray75 Red Green Blue gray50
Yellow Cyan Magenta White Brown DarkSeaGreen DarkViolet)
b1 = TkOptionMenubutton .
new(:parent=>f, :values=>%w(one two three)) .
pack(:side=>:left, :padx=>25, :pady=>25)
b2 = TkOptionMenubutton.new(:parent=>f, :values=>colors) {|optMB|
no_sel = TkPhotoImage.new(:height=>16, :width=>16){
put ‘gray50’, *[ 0, 0, 16, 1]
put ‘gray50’, *[ 0, 1, 1, 16]
put ‘gray75’, *[ 0, 15, 16, 16]
put ‘gray75’, *[15, 1, 16, 16]
put color, *[ 1, 1, 15, 15]
sel = TkPhotoImage.new(:height=>16, :width=>16){
put ‘Black’, *[ 0, 0, 16, 2]
put ‘Black’, *[ 0, 2, 2, 16]
put ‘Black’, *[ 2, 14, 16, 16]
put ‘Black’, *[14, 2, 16, 14]
put color, *[ 2, 2, 14, 14]
optMB.entryconfigure(color, :hidemargin=>1,
:image=>no_sel, :selectimage=>sel)
optMB.menuconfigure(:tearoff, 1)
%w(Black gray75 gray50 White).each{|color|
optMB.entryconfigure(color, :columnbreak=>true)
pack(:side=>:left, :padx=>25, :pady=>25)
text ‘show values’
command proc{p [b1.value, b2.value]}
pack(:side=>:left, :padx=>25, :pady=>5, :anchor=>:s)
TkFrame.new(:borderwidth=>2, :relief=>:sunken,
:height=>5).pack(:side=>:top, :fill=>:x, :padx=>20)
root = TkRoot.new(:title=>‘menubutton samples’)
TkButton.new(root, :text=>‘exit’, :command=>proc{exit}){
pack(:side=>:top, :padx=>25, :pady=>5, :anchor=>:e)
VirtualEvent <> on Tcl/Tk ==> ‘’ on Ruby/Tk
( remove the most external <, > for Ruby/Tk notation )
TkMenu.bind(‘’, proc{|widget|
p widget.entrycget(‘active’, :label)
}, ‘%W’)