EventMachine - Anything Similar

Hi Everyone

I've tried using EventMachine but with no luck because it seems to
have issues installing and building on Windows.

I'd really like something capable of what it is capable of though -
Simple, quick server/daemon creation using Ruby.

I'd be really grateful if you could point me in the right direction.

All the best.


Doug, I'm aware of quite a few people who are running EM on Windows. I
wrote you privately to see if we can get you past this issue, which
several people have had. We have also published an EM binary gem,
which may help you.

We have put a good deal of work on a pure-Ruby EventMachine with at
least the same feature set, but it's not published yet. Its
performance is not too bad (about half as good the compiled one) but
it also requires a current 1.8.5 snapshot because of recent
improvements in Ruby's nonblocking IO functions.


On 8/2/06, Doug Bromley <doug.bromley@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Everyone

I've tried using EventMachine but with no luck because it seems to
have issues installing and building on Windows.