eRuby and URL rewriting

I am in the process of doing some web page authoring using eRuby.

My question is this-- how do I access the post/get information in URL
rewriting? I know in PHP you use something like


given the following URL:

Does eRuby have the equivalent?


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I am in the process of doing some web page authoring using eRuby.

My question is this-- how do I access the post/get information in URL
rewriting? I know in PHP you use something like


given the following URL: .xyz Domain Names | Join Generation XYZ

use CGI.rb for that kind of thing, it plays nicely with eruby.


The price of seeking to force our beliefs on others is that someday
they might force their beliefs on us.
– Mario Cuomo
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

require ‘cgi’
cgi =

key = cgi[‘key’]

p key




cgi.query_string.split(“&”).each {|x| p x }




Rasputin wrote:


I am in the process of doing some web page authoring using eRuby.

My question is this-- how do I access the post/get information in URL
rewriting? I know in PHP you use something like


given the following URL: .xyz Domain Names | Join Generation XYZ

use CGI.rb for that kind of thing, it plays nicely with eruby.

“Bermejo, Rodrigo” writes:

cgi.query_string.split(“&”).each {|x| p x }



Actually, it’s:

irb(main):002:0> cgi.query_string.split(“&”).each {|x| p x }

I’m sure you just meant that as an example of how to access the query
string directly, but FYI, it’s broken in other ways too-- modern
browsers are allowed to use ‘;’ to separate variables in a GET
request. In fact, I believe it is now the preferred form. Much
friendlier to do:

cgi.keys.each { |key| p cgi[key] }

anyway :slight_smile:



Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million
typewriters, and Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare.
– Blair Houghton.

.xyz Domain Names | Join Generation XYZ

require ‘cgi’
cgi =

key = cgi[‘key’]
p key




cgi.query_string.split(“&”).each {|x| p x }



See below for an rhtml file

Rasputin wrote:

I am in the process of doing some web page authoring using eRuby.

My question is this-- how do I access the post/get information in URL
rewriting? I know in PHP you use something like

given the following URL: .xyz Domain Names | Join Generation XYZ

For the sake of completeness, here’s a .rhtml example:

<% require ‘cgi’ # Require the CGI library
cgi = # New CGI object
key = cgi.params[‘key’]

<% if key.empty? %> Please enter the key:
<% else %> the key is :<%= key %> <% end %>

Radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

Eric Schwartz wrote:

“Bermejo, Rodrigo” writes:

cgi.query_string.split(“&”).each {|x| p x }



Actually, it’s:

irb(main):002:0> cgi.query_string.split(“&”).each {|x| p x }

I’m sure you just meant that as an example of how to access the query
string directly,

Yeah a mistake…I’m not as cleaver as irb =)

but FYI, it’s broken in other ways too-- modern
browsers are allowed to use ‘;’ to separate variables in a GET

Oh, I did know it …modern browsers like … ? …just to be aware of

In fact, I believe it is now the preferred form. Much
friendlier to do:

cgi.keys.each { |key| p cgi[key] }


anyway :slight_smile:


BTW, I really don’t understand why cgi[‘query’].class => Array ?


– “Bermejo, Rodrigo” writes: –

BTW, I really don’t understand why cgi[‘query’].class => Array ?

Because it is possible to specify more than one value for param either in
the URL in the case of a GET or in the header in the case of a POST.

For example, given the following form:

  <form method="get">
   What kinds of fruit do you like? <br />
   <input type="checkbox" name="fruit" value="apples" /> Apples <br />
   <input type="checkbox" name="fruit" value="oranges" /> Oranges <br />
   <input type="checkbox" name="fruit" value="cherries"/> Cherries <br


If you check Apples and Oranges, then press submit the following url will be


cgi.params["fruit"] #=> ["apples","oranges"]

If you intend to only allow one value to be submitted, just use Array#first:

fruit = cgi.params["fruit"].first #=> "apples"

I used to think that this was a frustrating syntax, but I now realize this
is an essential part of the HTTP spec.


John Long