Error when specifying proxy


When I set the HTTP_PROXY env var to
user:pass@ and run gem to install
Rials, I get the following error:

  C:\Documents and Settings\Behrang>gem install rails --remote
  ERROR: While executing gem ... (URI::InvalidURIError)
    can not set user with registry or opaque

Any ideas what is probably causing the error and how can I fix it?
(The environment is Win XP)



"Science is a differential equation. Religion is a boundary condition"
- Alan Turing

Behrang Saeedzadeh

Behrang Saeedzadeh wrote:


When I set the HTTP_PROXY env var to
user:pass@ and run gem to install
Rials, I get the following error:

C:\Documents and Settings\Behrang>gem install rails --remote
ERROR: While executing gem ... (URI::InvalidURIError)
   can not set user with registry or opaque

Any ideas what is probably causing the error and how can I fix it?
(The environment is Win XP)

It should be

if I remember correctly

You can also set this up in your .gemrc-file