Entire stack trace

When the stack is deep and you get an exception, you get
something like this in the middle of the stack trace:

... 20 levels ...

Is there any way to get the entire trace?


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Eric Mahurin schrieb:

When the stack is deep and you get an exception, you get
something like this in the middle of the stack trace:

... 20 levels ...

Is there any way to get the entire trace?

Catch the exception and print its backtrace

   rescue Exception => ex
     puts ex, ex.backtrace


I already figured out that one. Any way to override the
default behavior? Unfortunately, a simple rescue doesn't catch
interrupt (and other signals). I guess I could set up a signal
handler to catch it. It would be a whole lot easier if I could
just redefine the default print stacktrace method.


--- Pit Capitain <pit@capitain.de> wrote:

Eric Mahurin schrieb:
> When the stack is deep and you get an exception, you get
> something like this in the middle of the stack trace:
> ... 20 levels ...
> Is there any way to get the entire trace?

Catch the exception and print its backtrace

   rescue Exception => ex
     puts ex, ex.backtrace

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Pit Capitain wrote:

Catch the exception and print its backtrace

  rescue Exception => ex
    puts ex, ex.backtrace

I am continually reminded of how little I know. :slight_smile:

BTW, Exception is not necessary:

  rescue => ex #defaults to StandardError
    puts ex, ex.backtrace


If you encounter this issue inside of a Unit Test for a controller
(functional test), it doesn't work to put the above code into any of
your test methods.

If you're using Rails-generated code, look for the line at the top of
your controller_test class that looks like this:

# Re-raise errors caught by the controller.
class FooController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end

and replace it with one that looks like this:

class FooController; def rescue_action(ex) puts ex, ex.backtrace end;


Eric Mahurin schrieb:

I already figured out that one. Any way to override the
default behavior? Unfortunately, a simple rescue doesn't catch
interrupt (and other signals). I guess I could set up a signal
handler to catch it. It would be a whole lot easier if I could
just redefine the default print stacktrace method.

Works for me on Windows 2000. From looking at the source code, I don't think you can change the default behaviour, sorry.
