Encrypting/decrypting data


I'm using the latest version of Ruby for Fedora Core 6 Linux. I want
to store credit card info in my database. I'd like to store it in an
encrypted form, but I'd also like to be able to decrypt it later.
Does anyone have any useful encryption/decryption routines?

Thanks, - Dave

module Site
   module Encryption
     class << self
       attr_accessor 'mac_address'
       def mac_address
         return @mac_address if defined? @mac_address
         re = %r/[^:\-](?:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][:\-]){5}[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][^:\-]/io
         cmds = '/sbin/ifconfig', '/bin/ifconfig', 'ifconfig', 'ipconfig /all'

         null = test(?e, '/dev/null') ? '/dev/null' : 'NUL'

         lines = nil
         cmds.each do |cmd|
           stdout = IO.popen("#{ cmd } 2> #{ null }"){|fd| fd.readlines} rescue next
           next unless stdout and stdout.size > 0
           lines = stdout and break
         raise "all of #{ cmds.join ' ' } failed" unless lines

         candidates = lines.select{|line| line =~ re}
         raise 'no mac address candidates' unless candidates.first
         candidates.map!{|c| c[re]}

         maddr = candidates.first
         raise 'no mac address found' unless maddr

         maddr.instance_eval{ @list = candidates; def list() @list end }

         @mac_address = maddr
       attr_accessor 'blowfish'
       def blowfish
         @blowfish ||= Crypt::Blowfish.new(key)
       attr_accessor 'key'
       def key
         @key ||= "--#{ mac_address }--#{ hostname }--"[0,56]
       attr_accessor 'hostname'
       def hostname
         @hostname ||= Socket.gethostname
       def encrypt string
         Base64.encode64(blowfish.encrypt_string(string.to_s)).chop # kill "\n"
       def decrypt string, kw = {}
         blowfish.decrypt_string(Base64.decode64("#{ string }\n")).strip
   def self.encryption() Encryption end
   def self.encrypt(*a, &b)
     Encryption.encrypt(*a, &b)
   def self.decrypt(*a, &b)
     Encryption.decrypt(*a, &b)

you will want to set both the mac_address, the key, or both. you'll need crypt/blowfish for tis to work, obviously.


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/


On Jan 21, 2008, at 11:05 AM, laredotornado@zipmail.com wrote:

I'm using the latest version of Ruby for Fedora Core 6 Linux. I want
to store credit card info in my database. I'd like to store it in an
encrypted form, but I'd also like to be able to decrypt it later.
Does anyone have any useful encryption/decryption routines?

Thanks, - Dave

share your knowledge. it's a way to achieve immortality.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

You can use the net/ssl standard library code to do this. Here's a
blog post I found on this subject

I just scored my first "googlewhack" when I tried to find this post
again right now, with the search "ruby openssl create_keys"
create_keys coming from the code in the rails app where I used this.

That said, one needs to be very careful in considering storing credit
card info, that private key is precious since if someone gets it and
the cc info get's leak, you might well be legally responsible.

In the site where I used this, the public-facing machine has only a
public key which is used to encrypt the cc data in the database which
is running inside a company network accessible only through an ssh
connection, only the firewalled database server machine has the
private key.


On Jan 21, 2008 1:05 PM, laredotornado@zipmail.com <laredotornado@zipmail.com> wrote:


I'm using the latest version of Ruby for Fedora Core 6 Linux. I want
to store credit card info in my database. I'd like to store it in an
encrypted form, but I'd also like to be able to decrypt it later.
Does anyone have any useful encryption/decryption routines?

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

I'm trying to install ruby blowfish, which I got from this link --
But when logged in as root to my Fedora Core 6 Linux box, this is the
error I got when trying to install:

[root@mymachine crypt_blowfish-0.6.1]# ruby make.rb
Do you want to install the binary (b) or pure-ruby (r) core? (b/r)?
make.rb:22: private method `rm' called for File:Class (NoMethodError)
        from make.rb:9:in `loop'
        from make.rb:9

I get the same result if I choose the "b" option. - Dave


On Jan 21, 12:32 pm, "ara.t.howard" <ara.t.how...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Jan 21, 2008, at 11:05 AM, laredotorn...@zipmail.com wrote:

> I'm using the latest version of Ruby for Fedora Core 6 Linux. I want
> to store credit card info in my database. I'd like to store it in an
> encrypted form, but I'd also like to be able to decrypt it later.
> Does anyone have any useful encryption/decryption routines?

> Thanks, - Dave

module Site
module Encryption
class << self
attr_accessor 'mac_address'
def mac_address
return @mac_address if defined? @mac_address
re = %r/[^:\-](?:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][:\-]){5}[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][^:
cmds = '/sbin/ifconfig', '/bin/ifconfig', 'ifconfig',
'ipconfig /all'

     null = test\(?e, &#39;/dev/null&#39;\) ? &#39;/dev/null&#39; : &#39;NUL&#39;

     lines = nil
     cmds\.each do |cmd|
       stdout = IO\.popen\(&quot;\#\{ cmd \} 2&gt; \#\{ null \}&quot;\)\{|fd|  

fd.readlines} rescue next
next unless stdout and stdout.size > 0
lines = stdout and break
raise "all of #{ cmds.join ' ' } failed" unless lines

     candidates = lines\.select\{|line| line =\~ re\}
     raise &#39;no mac address candidates&#39; unless candidates\.first
     candidates\.map\!\{|c| c\[re\]\}

     maddr = candidates\.first
     raise &#39;no mac address found&#39; unless maddr

     maddr\.instance\_eval\{ @list = candidates; def list\(\) @list end \}

     @mac\_address = maddr
   attr\_accessor &#39;blowfish&#39;
   def blowfish
     @blowfish ||= Crypt::Blowfish\.new\(key\)
   attr\_accessor &#39;key&#39;
   def key
     @key ||= &quot;\-\-\#\{ mac\_address \}\-\-\#\{ hostname \}\-\-&quot;\[0,56\]
   attr\_accessor &#39;hostname&#39;
   def hostname
     @hostname ||= Socket\.gethostname
   def encrypt string
     Base64\.encode64\(blowfish\.encrypt\_string\(string\.to\_s\)\)\.chop \#  

kill "\n"
def decrypt string, kw = {}
blowfish.decrypt_string(Base64.decode64("#{ string }\n")).strip
def self.encryption() Encryption end
def self.encrypt(*a, &b)
Encryption.encrypt(*a, &b)
def self.decrypt(*a, &b)
Encryption.decrypt(*a, &b)

you will want to set both the mac_address, the key, or both. you'll
need crypt/blowfish for tis to work, obviously.


a @http://codeforpeople.com/
share your knowledge. it's a way to achieve immortality.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama